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Dad Slits Daughter's Throat.

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Originally posted by Xafsa:

quote:Originally posted by Farxan:

but the dignity of every family lies between the legs of thier ladies!!

Not true. Every person is responsible for his or her own sins and for their own dignity.
What a strange place to keep your dignity. :eek:

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لا حول ولا قوة آلا بالله





here is the picture ID of the killer..




and the little girls certificate..



والله إن العين لتدمع والقلب ليحزن ، على هذه الضحية المسكينة ..

اللهم أجبر بخاطر والدتها وإخوتها .. وخÙ٠أحزانهم

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Farxan said,

but the dignity of every family lies between the legs of thier ladies!!

I thought it was the paradise of every Muslim that lies beneeth the legs of his/her mother, not the dignity. But what about if the ladies of our family don't have any legs? That surely will make you to find out where our ladies have the dignity, lol.


:D Waxaan xasuustaa waagii aan ciyaalka ahaa, markii ay is dagaalaan ciyaalka xaafada in qaarkood ay iska ceyn jireen gabdhaha walaalahood, marka waxaa la inkiri jiray marmar ineysan gabar oo dhan kula dhalan. Tusaale ahaan, hadii uu cunug kugu yiraahdo walaashaa anaa waxaas ku sameeyay, kan kale wuxuu ugu jawaabi jiray gabar oo dhan ilama dhalan, laakiin adiga kuwa kula dhashay anaa sidaas ku sameeyay!


What a sick childhood is that! :D

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What would lead a man to kill his own daughter? and committ such horrible acts? it is the culture,i remeber one time there ws a big fight among somali and arab communites, it all started when a somali teenage boy had a normal talk with an Iraqi girl, then the father caught him,and beat the boy,and said "i will kill him".


And abt my comment,what sort of dignity left if one's daughter/sister turns into whore? Many of u one read this news from western media intended to defame Muslims, there is more to this story!


Alla-Ubaahane, Nin yahow nacasnimadii baa kaa badatay,NIN wayn oo ikhyaar ah baan ku haystay,maxaa kaa khaldan saxiib? Hadalku ma sidii saxarada buu kuu qabtaa?

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ok i see your stance on this but i have a question.if you had a daugher would you kill her if she wasn't a virgin? or do you just support when others do it but could never do it yourself?

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Originally posted by juba:

if you had a daugher would you kill her if she wasn't a virgin?



Originally posted by juba:

or do you just support when others do it but could never do it yourself?


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^^^ except its not right, considering were following allahs laws for mankind. they/you might rationalize it in yr head, bt ultimately we will be judged according to what allah has prescribed... and it *does* say its wrong.



and farxan, i see what yre saying bt that kind of logic is still a little flawed. it would be shameful and embarassing obviously if yr mother or sister were behaving in lewd manners, bt it would be jst as shameful and embarassing if the father/brothers were lewd and disgusting ppl... of course the threshold we have for men on perverseness is a lil higher than that for women (As a society, were more forgiving of men) bt in either case an individuals dignity and honor dsnt lie in anothers actions. allah bestows honor and dignity upon his slaves in this life and the hereafter and he can take it away in this life and the hereafter as He sees fit. if anything, its the people you choose to associate with that can color yr reputation in this life, and obviously yr blood relatives are harder to distance yrself from. if this is what you meant, than i agree, however it still dsnt lie in how yr female counterparts behave only and the loss (if you can call it that) still isnt absolute. furthermore, dignity and honor are supposed to be earned...much like trust.

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Originally posted by BOB:

What is happening to our Muslim families these days?

Ok, one loser kills his child... that says nothing about the state of muslim families. You can't make a general statement like that based on a single incident.

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Originally posted by Haniif:

quote:Originally posted by BOB:

What is happening to our Muslim families these days?

Ok, one loser kills his child... that says nothing about the state of muslim families. You can't make a general statement like that based on a single incident.
As we have seen in some posts in this thread,and in other situations,this is not the only incident,and we are getting worse with every generation,even nebigu Muhammad SCW said this would happen.We even have a whole country that says they are 99.9% muslim and can't even stop killing each other over the name they have,even though they mostly share common ancestors,speak the same language,and like I said before share one common religion,except for maybe a few hundred people.If that's not sad,I don't know what is.But the important thing to do is to keep yourself good and don't worry too much about what others are doing,but worry about what you are doing yourself.

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Originally posted by juba:

if you had a daugher would you kill her if she wasn't a virgin?

Holy sh!t. Haddad, I can't believe you just said that.


Ofleh shakes his head in utter disbelief and wonders what could possibly push Haddad to say something like that.

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