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Las Geel Cave Painting. Are the ppl who live in Hargeisa Muslim?

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insulting me doesn't answer the tough question at hand...if the ppl in hargeisa worshipped cows, and we have proof of this in the las geel cave painting. What makes u think their still not doing the odd cow worship part-time..


If anyone can answer that, it would be appreciated rather then just attacking the person who poses the question.


Geel-jire maseer baa ku haayo, that your tuulo is starvation and my tuulo is the richest in east africa and i proved it through united nations food agency.


Maseer wax ka xun ma jirto

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Osman, nobody's bothering to take you seriously because you are being transparently trollish. Well, that's the charitable interpretation, the other possibility will be censored by SOL's draconian rules :rolleyes:


Let's say the people of that region worshiped cows (how these drawings prove that anymore than that the author of an anatomy textbook must worship internal organs is a mystery for another time). And let's one of your Yemeni ancestors fled his homeland to take up refuge in Northern Somalia. Even if he was a Muslim, weren't HIS Arab ancestors worshiping a plethora of gods before Islam? Does that mean you worship these same gods today? You've been burning a bit of incense at a stone idol in secret haven't you? Obviously that's why your Yemeni ancestor was on the lam, he fled to escape religious persecution :D

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Norf, yes thank's for noticing my sig..It's better you die first, then's strategical move, but then again u don't understand strategy because your dummy..

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That mentality is the reason you're counting sheep in NZ far away from your country saxib.

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