Deeq A.

Pictures: Puntland to eliminate favoritism and nepotism by requiring civil servants pass exams to get government jobs

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Deeq A.   

Imtixaanka ayaa waxaa lagu qabtay Xarunta Library-ga iyadoona loosoo diyaariyey hab casri ah  taas oo la isticmaalayey Kumbutuuterro si  loo ilaaliyo bed-qabka iyo xaqiijinta hufnaanta imtixaanka isla markaana loo ilaaliyo kalsoonida tartameyaasha iyo guud ahaan shacabka Puntland waxaana goob joog ka ahaa masuuliyiin metelayey dhammaan xarumaha shaqaalaha loo qaadanayo.



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The post Hay’adda shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee Puntland oo qaadday Imtixaanka agaasimeyaal cusub appeared first on Puntland Post.

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wow maakhiri1, haven't laughed as hard lately.

It happens to be true. The Ethiopians shut down internet and facebook you name it for university entrance exams, yet someone someone scores 100% when his/her teacher did not expect him/her to just barely pass.


none the less this is a great move anything to minimize if not eliminate is great.



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