Deeq A.

A new defense force called Fly Scot bans Somaliland supporters from Buuhoodle

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I think they meant "Squad" not scot.


Anyway, I like the imagination of the Somali mind. Hadii qofka Somaliga ahi haysto < 1% chance of getting away with something, the will take that < 1% at a heart beat.  Qofka Somaliga ah ilaa K.O out aad ka dhigtay oo itaalkiisa dadkoo dhan arkaan, indhahoodu cirka ma arkaan caqligu ma u shaqeeyo. 





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3 hours ago, Dahireeto said:

On-the-fly Squad is basically a hit and run militia. :)



If that is the intention of this misguided militia then they will not last very long. In Buuhoodle everyone is armed, so if they murder a man for supporting Somaliland, that victim's sons, brothers, and cousins will have sleepless nights until they make sure that the killers themselves are spending the nights 6 feet under. 

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