Deeq A.

Pictures: Taleh Genocide by the British 98 years ago is remembered in Lasanod

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Deeq A.   

Dhashii Daraawiishta oo Caawa Munaasibad ay ku xusayaan duulaankii Taleex ee sanadkii 1920 kii ku qabtay Magaalada Laascaanood. Taariikhyahano iyo qalinley Tagtadii Taariikhda Daraawiishta oo iyagu sharaxaado kala duwan ka bixinaya ayaa noqonatay mid ay aad u xiiseen ka soo qayb galayaashii ama dhashii daraawiisheed wixii ka danbeeyey 1920 kii. Xafladan Lagu Xusaayay Duub cadkii Mujahitiinta Daraawiishta ayaa la filaya inay ka dhacdo guud ahaan gobolada SSC,Khaatumo


Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xassan aabihii Xoriyada Soomaaliyeed.



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its important for the people to have their own collective history, in the hope it'll revive their moral spirit. only through peace can civil participation occur.  i'd be very interested to know if this is the first time this important event has been held. 

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no one is going to honour Sayidka, you ninny! and he didn't unify anything. 


It's good that the people of Somaliland are being proactive in learning about their history. 



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Johnny B   

If this is something to go by and for the first time, the Dervish community has lost it's internal compass.

They're coerced to live under the very legacy of British colonial name by the dominating clan.

The irony seems to have been lost on them, let's hope Hargeisa will not get an urgent call from London

ordering them to have their sub-protectorate behave. 


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They have gone little nuts but they are reflection of larger problem within Somali nation.


Sayyidka must have done something right if he even in death raises such rage from colonial collaborators. 

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 lunatic, mad Mullah and many other monikers were used by the colonial press, just like the Iphone generation is using Al-shabaab  to describe the independent movements of yesterday. Since Somali nationalism was not well established in 1901, religion was the only way to mobilize Somalis. It wasn't the Sayid Mohamed alone, but the independent movements of that era also used  religious based  campaigns, among them was the Mahdi of Sudan,  Omar Mukhtar of Libya and others.


Every historian, wheter Somali or colonial agree that Sayid Mohamed was an icon of the Modern Somali Nationalism.The British colonials had studied the Somalis and concluded that they are fiercely independent which could lead to anarchy. The French who also, tried to explain the nature of the modern Somaliman said that, " They will never have a hero", because , unfortunately the hero might belong the wrong tribe. 


In the eighties , when I was a freshman in Gahyr university in Somalia, someone gave or I bought, I do not remember how exactly , but I got a book about the struggle of the Daraawiish by Aw Jamac Cumar Ciise. ( Taariikhda Daraawiishta), and  After I read that book, my whole world  thinking was influenced by that book when it comes  of Soomaali nationalism and the heroes who were our great grand fathers.


In 1901, the British were the most powerful country in the world both in military , colonial rulership and power, yet, that proud Darwiish told them , " Dalka malihid Anigaa ku Idhi dooroolaha e".  I know thiese I phone generation might not understand, but the struggle of the Darwiish wasn't a flip in the pan, or something that came and went, but a movement that has left a huge legacy among our region . It was a carefully built organization that created cities, built castles from Taleex, to Eyl, Bari, Hobyo and all the way to Hiiraan. It lasted 21 years and it has defeated 16 British expeditions.


The Darwiish who created and built that movement was a simple man , " doon ayuu  ka soo degay isagoo baakoorad laad laadinaya". That simple man built a movement that lasted 21 years. No army ,both British, Indian and Somali couldn't defeat him. Finally , an airplane was taken by ship reassembled and flown from Aden, in Feb, 1920, and bombed these castles, while modern cannons and machine gun maimed tens of thousands of Darwiish. This were the proud Somalis who are in our history. Before I even read the reply from Ducaale and others , I knew they will say that " Reer Hebel Buu ahaa oo dad buu Xasuuqay". 


The Somalia of 1970 and early eighties built these monuments not only for Sayid Mohamed, but also Ahmed Guray, Xaawo Taako and Dhagax Tuur. It named schools to the icons of independent history like Sheikh Bashiir who was killed In Burco by the British, Sheikh Hassan Barsame of Benadir and lowers Shabeelle who fought the Italians, and even SYL members like Cismaan Geedi Raage , Saqaawadiin and others.


For most of you guys history starts from 1981-1991, everything else belongs to Reer hebel. In history what counts is the foundation and the legacy people leave behind. Go read about Churchill, he said Indians are subhuman; those who were conquered were weak and uncivilized races replaced by more powerful race. Yet, his biggest achievement is not what he said or what crimes Britain committed, while he was commander of the navy, but his heroic speech against the Nazis and the sacrifices he made Britain to be free. The same goes with Sayid, and everything else is footnote in history.


Of course these nations have Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Michelangelo, and Napoleon,. We Somalis also have the Great Darwiish  who weren't only a military commander, but also an eloquent poet who is among the top Somali poets, if the number one. 


Of course today we live in an era of upheaval that puppets, oligarchs , criminals and warlords are using the Darwiish for their own interest. Why would those who denounced the great Darwiish throughout history suddenly allow his celebration. 


Cabdi Illey has erected a statue of the man who fought Ethiopia, and now the secessionists want to use the Darwiish for their own agenda. He fought these colonial projects from Berbera to Taleex, Imey, Bari , all the way from Hiiraan. 


Those who fought with them were great men who sacrificed a lot and evey Somali should be proud that " IN aan isku siji nahay Kuwaas oon ku faano"

























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The Sayid and his legacy is respected by the overwhelming majority of Somalis. Most authors (Somali and non-Somali) agree he is the father of modern Somali nationalism. This event honoring the Sayid is part of an internal struggle among the Derwish youth to silently protest what is currently happening in their land. Believe me there are undertones of rebellion and resistance in this event honoring a brave man who went toe to toe with a much more powerful colonial enemy. 

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It's amazing how these kids regurgitate what colonial powers wrote, The man fought the Brits, Abyssinians, ,Italians and their Somali collaborations for 20 years. He kept them away. It took their combined powers and modern weaponry including British air force to defeat him.




The British used to call friendly Somalis tribes as our tribes, a sense of entitlement and ownership. And now some want to defend British tribes. Have you ever seen dispatches by NY Times and British Archives? They hate him and his movement and labelled as typical Mohammedan fanatic but they begrudgingly respected him.




Now, it must noted almost every clan joined the movement one time or another.


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The monument built by ABdi Illey should be demolished,  it is does NOT respect the image of SAYID, It is cultural misappropriation, where current SLAVES  trying to reattach themselves to the great hero. 


What a shame.




  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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One has to reclaim their history and not through prism of regionalism and tribalism, Many Sultanates and leaders kept away the Oromo invaders, Portuguese and Omanis, from Ajuraan, Sheikh Hassan Barsane to Nasiib Buundo. It is amazing how little Somalis kids know and petty minded adults are.


I find the Ajuran Empire extremely interesting, highly-advanced, well-functioning, medieval Somali state 

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And he might even be an icon but within somali people it's a known fact that only one clan  worship the Sayyid.


Ducale, I haven't seen anyone from Southern Somalia who disagrees with Sayid Mohamed's struggle against the British in Somaliland. 


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This Ajuraan empire was really huge and powerful. This article talks about their hydraulic engineering and fortress building skills.


These history must taught at Somali schools.The world historians know, yet we do not know our own history.

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