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Deeq A.

Incumbent President Holds talks with Somaliland’s Main Opposition Leaders

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Deeq A.   

HARGEISA--Somaliland’s President Musa Bihi Abdi and and the main opposition leaders met at the presidential palace Hargeisa on SundayFirst of all, the Head of State and the two main opposition leaders have agreed that they work towards maintaining peace in the first place internally and externally. They have seen that law and order must be sustained whether you support or are against the government. The leaders of Somaliland have also reached a common understanding on holding upcoming parliament and local council elections on the agreed date. The government and the opposition have now decided to join hands in working towards the relief humanitarian efforts after the drought has hit hard to regions in the country. The leaders have reached a common understanding of the issues discussed during the talks at the presidency.Deputy president, interior minister and former Somaliland’s minister for finance, Abdiasis Samale attended the gathering. Hon. Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi Irro contested the incumbent president Musa Bihi during the November presidential election and was defeated in the polls. Hon. Irro refused to accept the results in the first place claiming poll irregularities but later conceded defeat. Mr. Faisal Ali Warabe also contested the polls being a candidate as Justice and Welfare party.






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