
Vote for Omar Fateh-A better 62A

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Omar Fateh was born in Washington, D.C. and raised in Annandale, Virginia before settling in South Minneapolis, where he currently resides. He is the son of immigrant parents from Somalia, as his father arrived to America on a full scholarship in 1963, where he attended Montana State University to study civil engineering. His mother immigrated later on, in the early 70’s, where she raised Omar and his five siblings.

For years, he has dedicated his time to helping communities of color in areas such as education, political awareness, and financial literacy. He spent two years as a Community College academic advisor, where he counseled several hundred students in a Pathways program that worked with at-risk youth. These students were often minorities who came from low-income households, and many were the first in their family to attend college. He guided them on potential career paths, showed them how to effectively manage a budget, and assisted in paid internship placement and employment. He went on to work for the CIty of Minneapolis as a Community Specialist, where he worked with the East African community to improve the city’s outreach to underserved communities. In that capacity, he helped register voters, provided election resources and training, and developed new methods of outreach and education services to minority and homeless residents.

Omar currently serves as the vice-chair on the Hennepin County 2040 Comprehensive Plan Policy Advisory Committee, which oversees the development of the Hennepin County 2040 Comprehensive Plan. This blueprint will serve as the County’s overarching policy framework to ensure that Hennepin County improves the quality of life of residents, the safety of the community and enhances public health in a respectful, efficient and fiscally responsible way. This committee will shape policy for the next generation of residents in areas such as education, health, housing, and transportation.

Omar has been active with local organizations and initiatives such as Neighborhoods Organizing for Change, VoteYes4Kids, 15Now, Minnesota Association of Public Employees, and the DFL Somali Caucus. Omar has both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Public Administration from George Mason University.


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It seems SOMALIS got the confident, it is time... Forget living in fantasy, with suitcase, and stuck of going back, ACHIEVE SOMETHING where you are.




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