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Ogaysiis!Ogaysiis!Ogaysiis: Notice to all SOlers

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Ku: Dhamaan inta aqridda SOL - Rugtooda

KU: Maamulka SOL - e-mail'kooda

OG: In alaale intii warku gaadhay - Xaafadahooda


Ujeeddo:- Canbaareyn misuse of my name


It is with deep sense of shame and disbelief that I learned in shalay oo dhan magacayga inta si qalad ah loogu login gareeyay, all kinds of profanities and vulgarities halkan lagaga sheekeeyey; including ups and downs and opening sealed jars- to name but few. I reject this attempt by my enemies to defile my good name in SOL. This is preposterous, insensitive and unacceptable. I call upon all SOLers to extend their support in unequivocally denouncing such acts of piracy, and in standing in unision with me at this time of enormous disappointment. I also call upon the adminstration of SOL to take all the requisite investigations as to who is behind this henious crime and to take appropriate measures to ensure it never happens again. i beleive some within here are complicit in one way or another. I don't want to call names yet, though.


I wish to reitrate my respect to my fellow sisters and assure them that regardless of the been-abuur, they can always count on my unreserved support and understanding. I regret that some have taken the wrong picture of me, misled by the rubble who posted fabricated stories in my name. To the perpetrators, I can only say: SHAME ON YOU!


Waxaan maamulka SOL ugu baaqayaa inay talaabo shariga waafaqsan ka qaadaan cid kasta oo isku dayda inay burush wasaq ah marmariso sharafta iyo karaamada other members of the site.


Counting on your understanding;

Abtigiis & Tolka

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I knew it wasn't you qofka waxaas qoray shaley because ma shig shigeynin. Shig shigaaga ka maqnaa, see waaye. :D Now I know adiga waaye because shigshigii ayaa bilowday since this very thread twice soo dhajisay. :D


Seriously, if waxaa leedahay dhab tahay, did you leave your username logged on at a public cafe shaley? Mise waala hack gareeye ayaa leedahay?

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It is only natural that suspects shout first! ragaan ka shakisnaa yaa soo bax baxaya.



Thank you for the support. Sidaa dadka ugu sheeg,my trademark. I suspect it was hacked. idon't remember leaving while logged in.

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And you posted this topic twice.


Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

I knew it wasn't you qofka waxaas qoray shaley because ma shig shigeynin. Shig shigaaga ka maqnaa, see waaye.
Now I know adiga waaye because shigshigii ayaa bilowday since this very thread twice soo dhajisay.


Seriously, if waxaa leedahay dhab tahay, did you leave your username logged on at a public cafe shaley? Mise waala hack gareeye ayaa leedahay?



Abtigiis mu shig shigaa ? :D


Abtigiss who do you think used your username.


Ps: It would better to confront who hacked into your profile if you already know them.

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Saaxiib, this is all part of the misinformation and slander campaign against me. yesterday, they used my name. Today, toos baa la ii afuufayaa. Ma shigshigo saaxiib. Magac bi'inta aan ka dacwoonayo ayay qayb ka tahay.

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For no apparent reason, I thought you will be on my side at this difficult time. It looks you want to believe who posted all that hogwash was me. I add you to the growing list of enemies! :D:D


No, no, that is all bluff. Adigu you sound like you are from the aristocracy, and I am advised not to be foolish enough to upset the nobility. Ugaaso, declare that you believe me in all this.

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Charming! smile.gif


So,your saying while you were tending to the camels yesterday..Another Geel-jire logged on as you..Oh look,a pig just flew by my window! :Dicon_razz.gif

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