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Ogaysiis!Ogaysiis!Ogaysiis: Notice to all SOlers

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Ok seriously, this post should be on the Jokes section...Yacnii, tan i heysato qosol waadhaaftay!!! Kalmad cusub inaa u raadso waaye...


Let's have a looksy here shall we:




Shig shigaaga ka maqnaa, see waaye.

Was doing my usual EHEHEHEHE, then I see this



I suspect it was hacked.

I was like, oh hell!!! Then I see this


Saaxiib, this is all part of the misinformation and slander campaign against me.

Kadaroo dibi dhal, yuu is moodayna, wiilka ma anaguu noo jilaa filinka Italian Job? Them me see this




WAxa u dhaami lahayd isagoo yidhaahda waan ka noqday instead of saying password and username was stolen sidiiyoo ay googorad banaanka lagu wadhay yihiin.

KAX KAX KAX, KIX KIX KIX, QUX QUX QUX (qufac waaye kaas), AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...War bas bas bas, intaan ka badan naar aan ku galaa...



A&T, glad you're back, who ever you might be today!!! Just glad it is you and noone else!!! icon_razz.gif

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Jb, you are to blame for questo il tutto. You are a bully.


Abtigiis, I didn't read waxa aad ka hadleyse. At the same time, I don't think it is a good idea to create a thread in order to explain yourself. Why do you care what cyber figures of sol think of you? Aren't you abtigiis? Man up son, live up to your name, make your tolka proud.


Just a bit off topic, what I found interesting above all is that mugshot is making fun of pple's nicknames? Talk about digsi dabo madow.


Lastly, I think you need to forget about this madness, and concentrate on JB. He is getting the better of you and you need not let it happen.

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Originally posted by Oz:


posting was hilarious. As for today’s
, despite his angry, is being himself, good on you.

Now there's a brand that doesn't even have to advertise. Thanks to their loyal consumers who do it for them without event realising :D


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^^^ Sayidkii baa laga hayaa inaan jabay waxaan gartay kolkuu reer habel baa lagaa ha hayaa la yiri. MARX/MARC/MERCURIAN of all people?!! Anigaa danbiga leh. Anaa waa hore dhiman waayay. Waryaa, adiga dameeraheenu isma saartaan. We are not in the same mood. amaanka iigu dadaal. :D


Faarax Brawn


I am thinking of changing the name actually. Laakiin ma tolnimaa waxaad samaysay. Maad hoos iigu sheegtid. Anyway, I will choose between these five. Suggest one:


-Macallin Dugsi

- Wayso Cadde

- Yaa ii Bixi

- Adan Xashi Ceyroow

- Oonyood


KoolKat (Mukulaal Qaboow)

Thank You for understanding it wasn't me. Count on you, as ever. Magaca laakiin inaga badal. Bisadaha iyo waxaan.....



Salaan qiimo leh yaan hawada kuu soo mariyey,Ugaaso.


Layzie G.

Waan kula socdaa. Yaad isugu dhiibaysaa? JB waa saaxiibkay. Hallow!hallow! ma i maqlaysaa? wareeg!wareeg! afar iyo afartan'ka u wareeg! USB,LSB, Hallow! Hallow!

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:


I am thinking of changing the name actually. Laakiin ma tolnimaa waxaad samaysay. Maad hoos iigu sheegtid. Anyway, I will choose between these five. Suggest one:


-Macallin Dugsi

- Wayso Cadde

- Yaa ii Bixi

- Adan Xashi Ceyroow

- Oonyood

Jekyll & Hyde(J&H)?

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