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Ogaysiis!Ogaysiis!Ogaysiis: Notice to all SOlers

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A& T, Ma saas baa? SOLers are very understanding didn't need to give us this been-been of a clarification .Blaming the season would of sufficed. :D

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Loooooooooooooooooool@tending camels. JB don't understand what the colour of that pig was. He thinks it is a fib.



adigunna ma cadawgaad ii maqashay. waa la i shirqoolay shalay.

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^Aan wax kuu sheego , bal soo dhawoow , waxaad shalay sheegtay khalad ma aheeyn . "Waxaa layir lee tiri", Taas naa waa cilmi kordis ,ee somaalida Phd ku qaateen , adna dee brafasoor baatahay laba dheh.Marka oraad shahaadada soo qaado , ku soo dhawoow SOLna. smile.gif

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^^ bal sidaas ii shirqoolaysid fiiri. Ma waxaas nin ku hadlaad igu taqaaanay. I now formally add you to the list of suspects who hacked my ID yesterday.


Wax sheegaaga kale iyo cilmi is waydaarsigu se ma xuma.

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^loool.Qof aqoon hore kuuleh ma ihi, shirqool na ma aqaani waxeeytahay.Waxaan is iri bal wiilka awgooriyo dheh.waana ceshtay marka, Barfasoor doorey aad awalba aheed.

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^LoL. Dooreyduna maxey ahayd toloow.


A&T, eeg walalo, whatever was said was said, and it was indeed unbecoming of someone like you (if it's of any consolation). Kolka waxaad sameysaa, ask the admin to kindly delete all those posts and forget about this Insha'Allah. Wixii wasakh ah lama sii wad wado smile.gif

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Waa hagaag Haneefah. Buuxo, raali galin qaado. Waan kula kaftamyay walaal. Aad iyo aad ayaad ugu mahadsan tahay soo dhaweynta. Adaa ugu horeeyay wax yidhaa bal horta soo dhawoow. Kuwa kale iyagoon biyo ba isiin bay igu bilaabeen waraysi.

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This guy said yesterday that this is his last day in the General section but he still have to find excuses so that he will not quit this section.


WAxa u dhaami lahayd isagoo yidhaahda waan ka noqday instead of saying password and username was stolen sidiiyoo ay googorad banaanka lagu wadhay yihiin.

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^ Misquoting the imposter. Whatever was said yesterday applies to the notice. And even when I go back and read what the fake A&T wrote yesterday, he didn't say he is quitting the general section. He said he will not post vulgar topics. Don't misqoute him.


By the way, I know Abu-musmaar (from Awadaay- qat) makes mind work faster. It also creates phantom discussions.

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^^^^^Suspect lambar uno. :D:D


Yesterday’s AT&T posting was hilarious. As for today’s AT&T, despite his angry, is being himself, good on you.

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Sheeko,Anakaa filinkaas noo keene miyaa? smile.gif


I think,before you apologize to the soler,You need to apologize to yourself for choosing the wackiest name in SOL(Ok,maybe not the entire sol,but you get my drift). What kind of stup1d name is Abtigiis & Tolka? smile.gif

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:D .


Stop blaming it on other people, that was a case of multiple personality dhisordher patient on the loose, that is the only thing I can think of as an explanation of any kind! ;)

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A&T, waan kula kaftamayee too. dibdabe ha iska siin loginkaaga dadkale :D .As you may or may not know,It was pretty offensive.objectification of women is deplorable and you can't hide behind traditions and hearsay.


FB, ka qalee yarka. Not everyone can get suave name like yours. ;)

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