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Deeq A.

EUCAP discusses Human Rights and Gender in the context of maritime security in Hargeisa

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Deeq A.   


EUCAP Human Rights and Gender experts met with representatives of the NAGAAD Network in Hargeisa on January 25th. NAGAAD is an NGO that advocates for women and children’s empowerment and works towards “achieving an egalitarian society where women, children and men are equally significant”. Founded in 1997, it was formed to serve as an organized, collective voice of women who were determined to fight for their socio-economic and political rights as equal citizens of Somaliland.

Discussions this week focused on the gender issues involved in human trafficking, illegal migration that poses a threat to national security, as well as the protection of human rights.

To effectively fight against illegal migration, “we must empower women and young people and advocate for a safe and secure environment for them to live in, so they can grow and realize their full potential as leaders in all spheres,” NAAGAD Executive Director, Nafisa Yusuf Mohamed said.

With the support of EUCAP, the NAGAAD Network is working in close cooperation with the Somaliland Attorney General Office (AGO) on the planning of an upcoming Maritime Legislation Workshop to take place in Hargeisa. NAGAAD representatives will participate as trainers and elaborate on the protection of victims of maritime crimes, men and women, boys and girls.

“We must support and encourage women to fully participate in the economic flow of the maritime resources. We must educate institutions to fully understand and appreciate the importance of women participation in the economy of the Country”, Nafisa Yusuf Mohamed added.

EUCAP discusses Human Rights and Gender in the context of maritime security in Hargeisa

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