
West Burco community pull out their troops from Tukaraq

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Maleeshiyaadkii beesha SNM ee dhawaan gaadhay deegaanka tukaraq ayaa qeyb kamid ah waxaa ay ku soo laabten deegaanka ganbadho ee gobolka sool.


Guutooyin maleeshiyaad ah una badan beesha galbeedka Burco iyo koonfurta Hargeisa ayaa iska soo xaadiriyay deegaankaasi.


Qorshaha ay uga soo baxen tukaraq maleeshiyaadkan ayaa ah in khilaaf soo kala dhex galay maleeshiyaadka SNM kaaso ah shaki ay ka muujiyen maleeshiyaadkii horbodaayay ee deegaanka sool oo badankoodu dagaalka in safka hore la dhigo ay diiden.


Maleeshiyaadkan soo cadhooday ayaa sheegay in aysan ku sii jiri karin furinta iyadoo ragii u dhashay deegaanka ay gadaal jiran waxayna muujiyen shaki ah in maleeshiyaadkan diiday inay horgalan ay wadan qorshe dhabar jabin ah.

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I love the source for your news. It puts to shame Xidigtii Oktober which was reporting at the height of 1988 conflict that Hargeisa and Burco were having a such a lovely football match in the bomb-ridden Hargeisa stadium. :D

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6 hours ago, Holac said:

Tukaraq unity among Somaliland soldiers turns into a clan mistrust. 




Ahmed Laari is the owner of

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