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Deeq A.

Somaliland:Youth for Africa Renaissance (Y-FAR) concludes Certified Training for 20 Members

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Deeq A.   


“Y-FAR Training Center is Committed to Producing Youth Equipped With Skills which Will Allow Them Enter the Job Market” The Director of Y-FAR

Hargeysa, JY-FAR skills training centre which has branches in the Horn of Africa has completed a short course Project Cycle Management training for 20 students different institutions e.g. universities, government organizations, local organizations and business institutions. This training which took 8 days took place in Y-FAR training hall in Hargeisa.

During the course of the training, the trainees were taken through the different cycles of the project, the project characteristic and how they are managed. The training methodology was more of practical than theoretical. The students appreciated and expressed their admiration on the approach of the training.

At the closing event of the training, the Executive Director of Y-FAR organization made his closing remarks. The Director, Mr Abdirahman Hassan Mohamed (Bayda) – who was also the facilitator of this training explained how the training wing of Y-FAR is committed in taking part the development of the skills of the youth of Somaliland to enable them to enter the job market . The Director said “This training is one of the series trainings conducted by this centre to enhance the different skills of the youth and those of the other job seekers so that they can get employed and improve their livelihoods” he concluded that Y-FAR is committed in producing skilled youth.

One of the trainees speaking on behalf of fellow students also appreciated his admiration on the training methodology and the training itself. He stressed that this training was unique and very beneficial to them. He promised that they will make use of it, and he finally thanked the teachers who facilitated the course during the 8 days.

Finally, the trainees were awarded with certificates and were urged to continue their endeavor of developing their skills to better their status and livelihood.

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