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Deeq A.

Muse Bihi Names Governors, Presidential spokesman & advisers

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Deeq A.   

HARGEISA–Somaliland His Excellency, President Musa Bihi Abdi on Monday appointed new governors and Presidential advisers. According to presidential decree directive # JSL/XM/WM/222-30/012018 issued from the presidential palace in which he appointed the following officials. The president has revisited the constitution article 90 and having satisfied with the competency as well as their diligence that he reached the decision to appoint posts.The Head of State made wide consultations before naming the officials to the posts.



N/o Name Posts
1. Hon. Mohamed Ahmed Alin Yusuf (Timbaro) Sanaag regional governor 
2. Hon. Hamse Mohamed Abdi Ahmed Togder regional governor
3. Hon. Jamac Haji Ahmed Abdi Muse Marodi Jeh Regional Governor
4. Abdirahmaan Ahmed Ali Muse Awdal Regional Governor
5. Hon. Mohamud Ali Sulieman Ramah Gebiley Regional Governor
6. Hon. Yasin Mohamed Shide Ibrahim Hawd regional governor
7. Hon. Ahmed Mohamed Hashi Du’ale Saraar regional governor
8. Hon. Mawlid Mohamed Nur Warsame Salal regional governor
9. Hon. Mohamud Warsame Jama Ali Presidential spokesman
10. Abdiwahid  Adikadir Abdirahman Maohmud Presidential adviser on social affairs
11. Hon. Khadar Sh. Abdillaahi Sh. Ali Jawhar Deputy chairman of Refugee and Internally displaced people Agency.


Note: the current Regional governors of Sahil, Daad Madheedh, Sool, Badhan, Buhodle and Haysimo will keep the posts until the president appoints replacements.

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