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No boifriend somali debate...

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In the 'East' they don't have abortions, they leave the newborns outside mosques and houses.


I am asking you to forget the lazy cliche of blaming others/enviornments. You where raised in the west, why are you not doing what people were you live do? Deen and West kala saar, adeer. It's the DEEN not the culture (they are not the same, not even in Muslim countries).

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^^I understand that many middle east countries nowadays are becoming more wild and more similar to the west. But, the west is still more extreme in those ways. The culture in the middle east and in the west are two different things walaal. The arab culture promotes haya/respect. am sure a girl and a guy can't walk outside holding hand, kissing, and whatever.


dnt get me wrong am not saying everything is so perfect in the arab countries or muslims countries. Just relativity. You simply have that culture thats keeping you away from those certain things. Just like back home in Somalia from what I heard people were not religious prior to the war but there was still that culture.



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Raising your kids in the west and then expecting them not to be influenced by the west is like throwing someone in the ocean and ordering them not to get wet.


I'm guessing it's about parenting & a little bit of luck.

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Lily I agree with you parenting plays an important role. alhmadulilah we are on the same boat..


But, Lily sis as somalis we didn't have much choice. So we have to strive to make sure our kids dnt get wet even though they are in that ocean lol. It might seem impossible. But, anything is possible if parents work hard and spend quality time with their kids.

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and even when your kids are wet you dont hold them under the water and drown them you have to make them do whats right instead of just letting them do whatever they want.


you want to let your kids have crazy boyfriends like the west then you should let them do drugs like the west and drink alcohol like the west and then they can grow up to be crackheads like the west





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"I have noticed in the west there are many unmarried Somali couples living together, finishing their studies etc before they marry."


Adam-Zayla its not just west mate come down to dubai and chill with some of the local somalis :D

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Aaliyah,If am not mistaken you have been raised here in the west so mahaa? So you know nothing about what it meant growing up in the East,let me tell you this...There is no difference,the hormones are still there,temptation is still there but of course it was hush hush oppose to the openness in the west about Sex.


I wonder how many Somali parents know of the policy in regard to abortion in schools..A school nurse CAN arrange for your child to have an abortion without having to consult the parents..But of course they cant give them pain killer[paracetamol] without the parents consent..interesting !

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^It was shock to hear how widespread abortion is within Somali school girls. Subxaanallaah!


And the more you one researches about abortion and HIV/AIDS in the Somali community, the more frightening the picture becomes.


It's really scary! Alaahu mana jinaa.

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Just thought I’d weigh in. I don’t have a teen-ager in the house yet, (and believe me, I’m glad for the lead-up to adolescence–I need all the training I can get before my son reaches 13!) but everything I’ve been hearing/reading points to the whole “friends with benefits” phenomenon. I thought the trend now was for teens and pre-teens not to date exclusively, but to treat sex very casually. smile.gif


I wish we could arrange marriages - we could cultivate relationships by doing family things with other families that have kids the same age as ours and whose parents we know.

Consider encouraging and even financially supporting younger age marriages. If they know they only have to wait a couple of years and they are married in college it can protect them from a lot of dangers.

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Don't blame the west, blame the urges and those responsible for teaching kids to control such urges.

:D How? :D


Malika-Dont you know? Somali people are immune to such urges.

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Malika sis I don't know much abt arab countries.But, I still insist that arab countries are better than the west. In here people are way too open with that subject and that disgusts me personally. Like the other day I was on the bus with my lil sis and two people were kissing on the bus and my lil sis just giggles ..I wasn't even paying attention and am like what you giggling abt? and I see two ppl on the bus making out....of course I cant get up and tell them hey get some privacy but walahi its heartbreaking what u c around here...


So unless a parent is always there guiding his child along the way. Telling him whats wrong or right and relating w/ his child. Am afraid that the child will think what they see at school/media is normal.



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why is it such a bad thing when its open in the street? young people are far more educated and are aware of the dangouse of unsafe sex now than in our generation... personally it dont mind it....

ofcouse my daughter will never leave the house till the age of 40 but hey!

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So unless a parent is always there guiding his child along the way. Telling him whats wrong or right and relating w/ his child. Am afraid that the child will think what they see at school/media is normal.

But you don't think it's normal, Imtithal! You grew up in a place where people display their affection on buses and streets. Were your parents there to guide you ALL the time?


Is your argument about the decadence of society or the public prevalence of such decadence? We tell you that such things happen all over the world (more so in Muslim countries). Most normal families (Muslim or not) hope for the best for their children and try to shield them from any unacceptable practices. Most people abhor public displays of affections (there are countless articles dedicated to the subject from full blown gaalos).


So is your problem with the culture or the deen? People sin everywhere, adeer. But they also respect culture everywhere. Do not mistake the two and blame one group for having a decedent culture whilst praising the other for having (what you perceive as a) good culture!


The west this and the west that is what a fresh geel jire maybe excused for saying, you of all people, should not be saying it, adeer. You got through it and reached adulthood without becoming a drunk, drug addict or anything worse. I bet many of your friends have gone through unscathed too (just as others succumbed to temptation).


Stay balanced and don't fall for the lazy cliches that blame the West for everything, adeer.

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