Deeq A.

Xog: Madixii Amniga ee Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo iska dhiibay Yurub

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Deeq A.   

Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) _Madaxii Amniga Ra’iisal wasaare Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay inuu iska dhiigay Yurub, kadib uu safarka u raacay wafdigii Ra’iisal wasaare Kheyre ee ka qeybgalay shirkii Dhaqaalaha Adduunka ee Davos, Switzerland.

Sakaalka oo uu adeer u yahay Ra’iisul Wasaare Kheyre ayaa lagu magacaabaa Ayuub Cali, waaana la xaqiijiyey inuu iska dhiigay Yurub oo uu ka haray wafdiga Ra’iisal Wasaaraha oo Galabta dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Muqdisho.

Xogta aanu helnay ayaa sheegeysa in sarkaalkan uu u gudbay dalka Belgium, halkaasoo uu doonayo inuu ka helo megangelyo, waxaana dad xogogaal ah ay sheegeen in Ayuub la waayay xilli uu wafdiga kasoo duuli lahaa agaalada Davos.

Marar badan ayay dhacday in safarrada madaxda sare ay ka faa’iideystaan shaqaalaha xafiisyadooda oo ay ku galaan Yurub, wuxuuna kiiskan noqonayaa kii ugu danbeeyay ee noociisa ah.



The post Xog: Madixii Amniga ee Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo iska dhiibay Yurub appeared first on Caasimada Online.

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Apart from the occasional attacks, Mogadishu is thriving, more much more than any other Somali city, of course, being associated with the government has price, He is better being private citizen than a refugee in Europe that's becoming xenophobic.

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2 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

He is better being private citizen than a refugee in Europe that's becoming xenophobic.


He is trying to start the same process our families went through. I know it takes time and effort but at least he is pursuing his dreams and want to build a better life for him and his family. 

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