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Deeq A.

Uhuru unveils new Cabinet

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Deeq A.   


Election losers and women have won big after President Uhuru Kenyatta appointed them to the Cabinet in changes announced on Friday.

The president also created a new position known as Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS).

“Chief Administrative Secretary will broadly be responsible for helping CS to coordinate running of affairs in respective ministries,” Uhuru said.

Amina Mohamed was appointed Education CS replacing Fred Matiang’i who has been appointed as the Interior Cabinet Secretary.

Matiangi will be assisted by Chief Administrative Secretary Patrick Ntutu (ex-Narok Senator) while Karanja Kbicho was named principal secretary.

Rachel Omamo has been retained at the Defence ministry; Cecil Kariuki has been moved to the Health portfolio.

Amb Monica Juma was nominated to the Foreign Affairs docket replacing Amina.

Ababu Namwamba will be Juma’s Chief Administrative Secretary and Macharia Kamau the Principal Secretary.

Rachel Shebesh will join Cabinet, if the name is approved by Parliament, as Youth CAS. PSC chair Magaret Kobia was nominated to the Youth and Gender docket.

The Youth and Gender PS will be Lilian Omolo.

John Munyes has been nominated the Petroleum and Mining CS, the PS will be Andrew Kamau while Chief Administrative Secretary will be announced later.

The Ministry of Devolution will be headed by Eugene Wamalwa, CAS will be Hussein Dado, while Nelson Marwa will be the principal secretary.

Mwangi Kiunjuri has been nominated to the Agriculture docket.

Former DPP Keriako Tobiko was nominated to the Environment docket with Charles Sunkuli as PS. Chief Administrative Secretary to be announced later.

Adan Mohammed has been retained as Industrialisation CS where Betty Maina of the Kenya Association of Manufacturers was nominated as PS.

The Ministry of Transport CS will be manned by James Macharia, CAS Chris Obure, and the PS Paul Maringa.

The names of the appointees will be forwarded to parliament for vetting and approval.

Jubilee Secretary general Raphael Tuju was named Cabinet Secretary without portfolio


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