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If Takle could speak from his grave (speaking of music)

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There is no single Ethiopian or Eritrean who doesn't get hypnotised by his mellow voice and rich lyrics. Takle died years before Eritrea become a country, having lived his entire live an an Ethiopian. He is from Asmara, but lived and died in Addis Ababa. Following his death, he has become the source of endless debate among Ethiopians and Eritreans, who each want to identify themselves with his unforgetable songs. One such, which was played out loud in Ethiopian TV and Ertitrean TV even at the height of the two country's bloody war is Fikrey Telemeni.


I am not sure if he would have called himself this or that, or would have even cared. But many have lost their teeth in club's and inside mini-buses after they claimed him for themselves.


Here it is: Enjoy.



Another version of the same song:


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Awoowgii la jannee ma Daba-Qoodhi baad noqotay? waa maxay Amxaarada iyo Tigreega uu dagaalka naga dhaxeeyo oo aad nagula wareegeysaa agaa? miyaadan dhiig laheyn? war na dhaafi xaaraanta qurmuunka badan hadaad ilaahay taqaan... :mad:



Peace, Love & Unity.

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I tell you this story. An ONLF cadre apporoached a rer-maxamed contingent of merchents somewhere in kenya to orient them of the struggle and why they need to contribute resource to it as part of the 'O' tribe. Now, the cadre had no idea of the nature of this group. He told them that the ONLF is a somali rebel group fighting the government of Ethiopia, and he told them of latest wars and ambushes where government properties were destroyed. The uninitiated rer-Maxamed guys were clearly shocked: "Waar yaahe, oo ma dawladay ONLF la dagaalantaa?? Oo yaaqi waa shufto'e maxaa loo xidhxidhi waayey?".


Anyway, besides that I beleive Takle was an Eritrean, I would have had no problem listening to him if he was a Tigre too. I don't see why art and politics should mix.

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Originally posted by Hoos-Ku-Malable:



I tell you this story. An ONLF cadre apporoached a rer-maxamed contingent of merchents somewhere in kenya to orient them of the struggle and why they need to contribute resource to it as part of the 'O' tribe. Now, the cadre had no idea of the nature of this group. He told them that the ONLF is a somali rebel group fighting the government of Ethiopia, and he told them of latest wars and ambushes where government properties were destroyed. The uninitiated rer-Maxamed guys were clearly shocked: "Waar yaahe, oo ma dawladay ONLF la dagaalantaa?? Oo yaaqi waa shufto'e maxaa loo xidhxidhi waayey?".

:D:D:D ...Hadaan reer Waamo nahay Shuftaa fara kulul nagu heyn jirtay...oo naga dhici jirtay xoolaha iyo xaawaleydaba marka hanala yaabin oo markaan magaca Jabhad maqalnaba awoowgood la gubkii ayaan soo xasuusanaa markaasaan bururnaa oo bilaawaha galka kala boodnaa... smile.gif



Anyway, besides that I beleive Takle was an Eritrean, I would have had no problem listening to him if he was a Tigre too. I don't see why art and politics should mix.

Eritrean waa Amxaar xanaaqay wax ay isu key dhaamaan haba yaraatee ma jirto...meeshaan ku arkaba arxan iyo asxaan nagama dhaxeyso...that's MY PERSONAL decision and choice...labaduba waa dhurwaayo...ina aaboow dhurwaana rabaayad ma galo oo waa dulli. :D



PS. Haye...maxaa Waamo we say...Maxaa kuu baxay? :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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