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I have a question for you why did you put this question to women!!!!!!

Xayeysiis comes in all forms these days. Haven't you all picked up on this?...way ka dhacaysaa wiilka :D

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Firstl there's two reasons why I didnt tell her from the start.


1... Personal experince in that a week earlier from her starting the job I was sitting in the train and two somali girls visiting london sat next two me and overheard their conversation. They were about to get off at the wrong station so I said in somali, this is not your stop but the next one. Then she says 'Allah ma somaali baad aheyd, haa baan ku idhi markaasey igu tidhi hadaan somaali ku moodey kumaanan ag fadhisteen. Oo sabab baan idhi saa waxey tidhi waan ka xishoon lahaa. She wanted to sit next to me because she though I was something else but when she found out I was somali she dont anymore :D:D


2.... She went around and asked my other co-workers about me and if I was seeing anyone but she never asked them my origins( probably because as long as I wasnt somali she couldnt care less. But she asked me how long I lived in the UK and I told her and said I was born in another country which isnt Somalia and that was it. At that point maybe I should have added am from Somalia but I didnt lie but could have added some details :D



Me and her have gone out couple of times and she feels me but as both of us has started to developed some feelings for each other I feel like I should tell her before it goes further as it will come out anyways.

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1... Personal experince in that a week earlier from her starting the job I was sitting in the train and two somali girls visiting london sat next two me and overheard their conversation. They were about to get off at the wrong station so I said in somali, this is not your stop but the next one. Then she says 'Allah ma somaali baad aheyd, haa baan ku idhi markaasey igu tidhi hadaan somaali ku moodey kumaanan ag fadhisteen. Oo sabab baan idhi saa waxey tidhi waan ka xishoon lahaa. She wanted to sit next to me because she though I was something else but when she found out I was somali she dont anymore

lol@ waan ka xishoon something one girl said made you decide to pretend you are non somali. Even if this girl you are dating hates somali guys which I doubt, wouldn't she leave you as soon as she finds out the truth?? at the end of the day it's not right to pretend what you are wont come to your advantage.



2.... She went around and asked my other co-workers about me and if I was seeing anyone but she never asked them my origins( probably because as long as I wasnt somali she couldnt care less. But she asked me how long I lived in the UK and I told her and said I was born in another country which isnt Somalia and that was it. At that point maybe I should have added am from Somalia but I didnt lie but could have added some details

so the girl thinks most likely you are Morrocon, but morrocan guys are really cute, am not sure how she mistook you for one icon_razz.gif


anyways you didn't lie to her but you mislead her? and that's really not a good way to start a relationship.



Me and her have gone out couple of times and she feels me but as both of us has started to developed some feelings for each other I feel like I should tell her before it goes further as it will come out anyways.

so you said she feels something for you? she told you she likes you? bt never bothered to directly ask about your family? a discussion of somalia never came up. that's just weird and hard to believe..


Anyhow, I hope that she will forgive you...laakin somali waxay ku maahmaahda beentaada hore runtaada danbe u xuntahay, it will be miracle if she overlooks yr immaturity.



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Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

Ah yes the terrible Somali man, nobody likes him.



Wacdara, the sisters didn't want to sit next to you coz, as silly as it sounds many find ajnabi man not nimanyaal.I guess sisters are too loyal.And your girl probably finds you good company + eye candy.Nothing more.

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