Deeq A.

Madaxweyne Gaas iyo golihiisa wasiiradda oo yeeshay shir culus oo looga tashanayay xaalada gobolka Sool.

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Deeq A.   



Madaxweyne Gaas, ku xigeenkiisa Camey iyo golihiisa wasiiradda ayaa maanta xarunta madaxtooyada ku yeeshay shir xasaasi ah oo si gaar ah looga tashanayay arrimaha Tukaraq. Sarkaal katirsan madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa warsidaha Puntland u sheegay in shirkaan dowladdu ay ku gaartay go’aano culus oo looga tashanayay sida loo wajahayo xaalada gobolka Sool ka taagan, loogana jawaabayo duullaanka maamulka Hargeysa. Xafiiska warfaafinta madaxtooyada Puntland looma gudbin go’aanada iyo macluumaadka kasoo baxay shirkaan, mana jirto wax warbaahin ah oo looga yeeray xarunta madaxtooyada. Wasaaradda warfaafinta Puntland ayaa la sheegay in loo xilsaaray inay warbaahinta ugudbiso go’aanada dowladda kasoo baxa ee ku saabsan xaalada haatan lagu jiro ee difaaca Puntland.





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I hope there is no fighting among Somalis, it is not necessary. Unfortunately Warlord Colonel Bixi jeegaanta have miscalculated if there is a war. The SNM warlord who committed atrocities in Awdal is now in charge of Somaliland war with Puntland. Silaanyo waged war in Buhoodle was also cruel and unecessary and got nothing for the Somali people in Somaliland. There is nothing to gain as secession dream has died because of the bad leadership of Somaliland and because of the illegitimacy of the cause. Silaanyo's war in Buhoodle and now Colonel Bixi's war in Tukaraq have demonstrated to the world that Somaliand leadership is not interested in peace and therefore not a candidate that can be trusted to be independent from Somalia.

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Reerr Waqooyi are supremely arrogant but let's see where Jeegaanta leads them to. Biixi's ploy makes sense though, internal political discord, recognition not any closer, high youth unemployment (idle hands lead to trouble); let's reach the border is the last trick.


Siiraanyo was seasoned than this warmonger.


p.s. Apparently, Galery might be going statewide. What a ignominious end

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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A keyboard warrior can boast all he wants, how brave and strong he is behind the computer screen. If you truly believe your own words you will go to the front line and face the death you are calling for your fellow Somalis. The brave is not the one who foolishly fight unnecessarily, it is the one who call for peace when provoked. That is why Puntland should not be provoked to participate in this war. Somaliland project already failed and there is no reason to start animosity betweem Somalis.

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On 1/25/2018 at 9:43 AM, Che -Guevara said:

Reerr Waqooyi are supremely arrogant but let's see where Jeegaanta leads them to. Biixi's ploy makes sense though, internal political discord, recognition not any closer, high youth unemployment (idle hands lead to trouble); let's reach the border is the last trick.


Siiraanyo was seasoned than this warmonger.


p.s. Apparently, Galery might be going statewide. What a ignominious end


The arrogant braggadocio of some of the Jeegaan supporters of SOL these days,  reminds me one of Abwaan Idaajaa's prologues to a famous Somali folklore story he used to narrate...:D


Dadka Eebe waa kala caynoo,  dadka Eebe waa kala dabeecad.

Dabeecad qalafsan,  dabeecad dabacsan,  dabeecad macaan,

dabeecad kharaar, dabeecad naxariisata, dabeecad aan jixin jixin.

Gayigii la joogaba ninbaa uunka bud ka soo yiraahda.

Maalmaha iyo gu'yaashu kolkey dabin soo wareegaan ba,

Wiil baa la soo tufaayoo-- far dheeratay intuu arlada kunoqdo, ka soo shaac baxa, lana is tusa.

Ninbaa hanaanka nolasha ee dadka badani kuwada dhaqma isaga u cuntami waayaa,

markaas buu dhinaca uga leexdaa,

waxa ugu wacanba, ninbaa falal laga cuudi bileysto ku kaca oo waxa uu sameenaayo uu duulba duul u tabiyaa.

Xigmad oo idil ayaa garaad kiisa laga meyraa markaas bey samaanta iyo xumaantu ay soor u noqdaan,

isagoo indha leh ayuu araga beelaa, kolkaas buu uunku ula ekaadaa yar yarood aan maamuuskiisa mudneyn oo il milicsi cagta ku marin karaayo.

Isagoo dhago leh ayuu maqalku ka baalidaa, kolkaas bey waanada wax garadka iyo tuusalaha wayeelkuba sidii hadaaq caruureed ku  soo gaaraan.

Maroodi aan la hor mari karin oo cadhoola ah ayuu isku qaataa, rag intiisa kaleetana waxay ugu muuqdaan cayayaan marka uu jeeniga saaraayo aanu dareemin-- iyagu se dareema.

Hortiisa iyo ambada uu ku socdo tiigsa mooyaanee, wuxuu falay iyo abuurtii uu dardareeyey midna dib uma eego,

Lamaba noqoto iney yihiin wax mudan in daraadood uu haash lihiisu la hakado, ayaase tolow sidaa u baneeyey, ma waayo

aragnimo yaribaa?

Ma aqoon gaabnibaa?

Ma garaad daraa?

Ma kibirka iyo ka bad badinta ku adeegsiga awooda aadkeedaba iska kooban ee adaanahaa?


Bal adba!





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