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Ducco (blessings) for CASH!

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It is hard to resist the creeping cynicism into your soul when you watch the veteran journalist Cagmadhige sitting next to handsome Sheikhs (on Universal TV), who are collecting contributions to advance an Islamic cause. There is nothing as sacred as what they intend to do with the resources and it is encouraging to note the response and the respect they command from callers.


However, it is embarassing to see the variance in the quality and quantity of the Ducco (blessings) given to contributors. A caller from Norway, who said he is in a refugee camp and not doing well in earnings, asked for Ducco to his ailing father. Cagmadhige offered his kind words and promised that he will pass him to the Sheikh, but without saying it explicitly, offered a decent interval so that the caller would announce the amount he is giving. The caller said 200 Euro, and then the Sheikh took the stage and gave him back two Duccas, no carabi or citations included. In fact, robust Ducco's in the more likely acceptable Carbi was given to only those who gave over $500, the night I watched.


A woman caller called later and after describing the ailments of her son, as if the Sheikhs do a part time “hello Doctor”, and parted with $1000, strongly begging the Sheikhs to do a Ducca. The Sheikh’s face beamed with joy and after explaining the wonders he has been witnessing about the generosity of callers from where the lady called from,[ was it Sweden or Birmingham?], closed his eyes and muttered on for a while with impressive Carabi supplemented with a loud “ilaahay caafimad deg deg ah ha siiyo wiilka. Ilaahay adigana wixii muraad ah eed leedahay ha kuu fududeeyo”.


It means if you are having an atrophying foot and you ask for Ducca, but frugally offer $10, you will get a proportionate Ducca targeted at your toe only. Not long ago, culumos used to offer an overdose of Ducco for as less assistance as preparing their kettle for istijo (cleaning).


On the side of those who wish to contribute to a purchase of Mosque, norm was that one would put a handful of cash shielded from other eyes into a white sheet passed around by a devout Xerow. Now, no one is interested in such altruism. There is no free lunch. You give, and you take Ducco.


Ducco is no more for free. At least, in the wave-lengths! How times have changed!

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Well, they should be making dua for themselves in the first place. Allah said called upon and I shall answer you. As for the rest of your post, then it is the usal baris and jibberish, mixed with spicy Ethiopian pancakes.

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lol waxwaalan. i think allah hears all. say it quitely or loudly.


teeda kale lama kala xigo ilaah. duco should not be bought


time to get universal tv

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A&T enjoys UTV. He seems to refer to what he saw or heard on there to make his points. Are you sure you're not a share holder looking for higher viewership saxib?

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I don't have a somali community nearby. It is the only way I can tell my kids I am a somali. Watching Somali channells. There is nothing to enjoy and it is boring, with too much commercials and petty news but I feel connected to homeland.

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maybe you should volunteer and teach them a thing or two about running legitimate business that adheres to the rules of broad casting

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We haven't had it for a while now (since moving in August) and I can't say I ever paid attention to it. The channels back home are more 'viewable' than the ones in qurbaha (more organised and less xayasiisyo).

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Its human natural it alwasy been like that the more money you give out the more blessings that you expecting from the sheikh to send to your way. AT ha is yeelin saaxib adba haddii aad $1000 inta bixisid uu sheekhu kaa yar mashquulo ama next caller usii gudbo carro darteed TV wad baqtiin lahayd ama isoo celi lacagtaad dhihi lahayd la ima ducayne :D

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