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Deeq A.

UCID Leader urges Somaliland to reach out to African Union amid recognition

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Deeq A.   


By Ahmed Abdi


Hargeisa, Somaliland  A Senior opposition leader says Wednesday that regional blocks will help Somaliland gain International recognization.
“Our recognition lies in the hands of the regional blocks from  Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to African Union (AU) but it needs Somaliland leadership to take our cause to them,” said Faysal Ali Warabe, leader of the UCID party.
“We can’t be stopped to move forward,” Mr. Warabe added, referring to the talks between Somalia and Somaliland that broke off  December 2015.
“The same fate of South Sudan and Sudan applies to Somaliland but first we need to solve our internal issues.”
“We can’t continue doing the same policy that we have been doing for the last two decades and expect differently,” said Dr. Hussein Abdullahi Bulhan, who accused of the current Somaliland politicians for being unfaithful in terms of recognition seeking. “We need to face every difficult thing and make the impossible, possible.”
Warabe said the Northern regions claimed by the Puntland are part of Somaliland’s territory.

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