
Somaliland starts civil servant headcount with Biometric IRIS IDs

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This meant to stop phantom  or "GHOST" public servants, that collect salaries, some of them died long time ago, some of don't exist, again unless people change their corrupt culture, will always find a way to beat the system.


We know how they cheated the system by  scanning and enrolling goats and kids  as young as 6 years old, in last election

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9 hours ago, Holac said:

This biometric buzzword has lost its lustre as it has become a joke in the last election. 


The technology is world class. However, implementation and operational issues can hinder its 100% effectiveness. For one thing thought, each record in the database will be unique.


If it doesn't fix 100% issues related to ghost workers and double-payment recipients, then at least it will make it harder.


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