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Deeq A.

Somaliland: President Launches Civil Servant Census

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Deeq A.   

HARGEISA–The Registration of Somaliland’s public servants in government institutions launching ceremony kicked-off in Hargeisa, the capital today. The Civil Service Commission is spearheading the project dubbed “HeadCount” which aims to get rid the public sector of “ghost workers”. The Head of State, His Excellency, Musa Bihi Abdi officially started the launch ceremony. The highly and well organized event saw the attendance of Civil Service Commission Chairperson, Hon. Sharmarke Ahmed Mohumed  and the Labor and Social affairs minister, Ms. Hinda Jama Hirsi. The CSC chairperson already announced the requirements for all public servants should be as follows:-

  1. The Public Servant should be in the Payroll.
  2. He/She must have the Somaliland National Identity Card.
  3. Should have academic and professional certificates.

Hon. Sharmarke has stressed that the main mission behind the census is to have justice in the public sector. He added that having the headcount kicked off then this will lead to have better public servants that will serve for the nation and that their knowledge will be improved. The minister of labor, Ms. Hinda has said that once fact based number of public servants are known then the gov’t will base its yearly based budgets where it will plan the number of staffers that it will recruit each and every year. The Head of State, Hon. Musa Bihi has reiterated that the mission of the project is to restore the the trust of the public on public servants. The President clearly stated that this is mean that the public will be justly and diligently served by public servants.






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