
Heavy clashes break out in Sanaag (17 dead) West Burco vs Jeegaanta

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8 hours ago, Saalax said:



It was but they cowardly  assassinated a unarmed man and this triggered the karbash they got as usual.


This thing was over and elders reached a lasting peace. Why kill an innocent man to trigger another clan war? Is this a case of "gardarro garab og"?  

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Somalia: Intense clan clashes in Sanaag region kill 17 people


Hiiraan Online
Monday January 22, 2018



At least 17 people have been killed in inter-clan clashes at Dararweyne village in El-Afweyne district of Sanaag region.

The fighting which is the latest in a series of backlashes between rival clans, which began on Sunday morning reportedly lulled in the evening.

Abdullahi Hussein Darwish, a local journalist in Airigavo town said about 17 people from both sides was killed after rival clan militias engaged in deadly gun battle.

He also pointed that fighting had displaced many people from their homes.
“Fierce fighting erupted between neighboring clans. Though there is no confirmed number of deaths from both sides but early reports put the death toll between sixteen and seventeen," Darwish told Hiiraan Online.

According to the journalist, forces including police and military had been deployed to area to intervene the fighting sides.

There is no comment yet from the local authorities and elders in the region.

The region has experienced perennial clan clashes that claimed many lives.

Arguments over land use, borehole and pasture have perennially contributed to fighting among Somali community who are largely pastoralist






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Let this be the 10th lesson to the Jeegaan kids who think they can mess with Saalax's boys. We will  book

you one way ticket to akhiiro in masses if you misbehave.

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Saalax, sxb, sidatan si ma aha. Dagaal sokeeye waa waxa Somalia la haray.


 Dhibaato kasta oo dhacda waxaa haboon ina laga heshiiyo oo nabada loo hiiliyo.


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8 hours ago, Tillamook said:


Saalax, sxb, sidatan si ma aha. Dagaal sokeeye waa waxa Somalia la haray.


 Dhibaato kasta oo dhacda waxaa haboon ina laga heshiiyo oo nabada loo hiiliyo.




Well they broke the agreement for the 7th time.  Remember what Prophet Muhammad saw did to the Jewish of Khayber after they broke the agreement. Karbash is the only way sometimes.

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