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Deeq A.

SL: Agri & Information Ministries Luanch National Guidance Project aimed at Encouraging Farming

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Deeq A.   


The Ministry of Agriculture in conjunction with the information ministry launch a joint national guidance program aimed at encouraging local farming production to reach food self sufficiency. The project will help Somaliland to be self- sufficient in food production and the mission is to discourage the country banking on imported food from overseas. The Agri Ministry is working very closely with the farmers in terms of providing support to the farmers. The Ministry of Agriculture will consult the farming communities as this is due to lead improved food security and lessen the dependency on foreign imported food that are skyrocketing prices and push the inflation which has impacted the country’s standard of living. The joint program is to revive and encourage more farmers to focus on enhancing local production to promote food and income security. The two ministers along with the director generals have gotten together to come up with the best possible way forward for attaining self food sufficiency.


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