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Deeq A.

Council Coordination Minister Confers with Speakers of Somaliland Parliament

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Deeq A.   


The new Council Coordination Minister, Hon. Mohamed Aden Elmi met with the Speakers of the Legislative and Elders chambers of Somaliland yesterday.

According to a press statement the ministry issued stated that the aim of the meeting was to enhance the working relations between the the ministry and the Houses of parliament. The meeting took place at the office of Somaliland’s house assembly speaker, Hon. Bashe Mohamed Farah. The Elders house speaker, Hon. Sulieman Mohamoud Adan was also in attendance during the gathering. The talks ranged from the bills tabled in the houses, strengthening the working relationship between the ministry and the houses, and ways to boost the working ties with overseas parliament the likes of British parliament. The minister has said that he talked with the speakers ways to strengthen the ties between the government and the chambers of parliament as it is the sole duty of the ministry. The parliament speaker-the house of assembly, Hon. Bashe asserted that in the last sessions, the house passed ten bills. Both sides have reached a common understanding of enhancing close working relations.

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