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^ Isku fac unbaan nahay saaxiib. Wax weyn igama waynid. 1973 ayaan dhagaxbuur ku dhashay. With 4 years, dagaalkii kolkuu dhacay Hargeisa la iila qaxay. But within a year,I was taken back to Ethiopia. Hooyaday unbaa diiday inay Hargeisa sii joogto. It was a risk to go back; and my father stayed one year more in Muqdisho. I am told he was angry with mom's decision. But, as it would prove later, her decision was good for us. Interms of stabiliy and good schooling.

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By Abtigiis


Isku fac unbaan nahay saaxiib.
Wax weyn igama waynid
. 1973 ayaan dhagaxbuur ku dhashay.

smile.gifsmile.gif wax weyn ayaan kaa weynahay sxb, 1971kii markaan geela foofinayey 14 jir baan ahaa smile.gif

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nuune, the difference is, adiga kii saxda ahaa baa sheeganaysaa, asna kii xerada qaxootiga looga qoray. :D .


Addeer nuune, manta ka dib wa inan kursiga kaaga kacaa meeshaan kugu arko. Aabahay baa 3 sano kaa weyn.. :D . Nus qarni baad sii cag-cagaynaysaa!

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^^^ Bishy ehehe, soomaaliya markey curateyba waan joogey anigu, waxaana la kowsadey saddex madaxweyne, meeshaad idinku hal madaxweyne kaliya haleesheen smile.gif

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To make up a ridiculous story just for the sake of an unfunny joke, and then beat it to death :(


How are the logistics any different than for a short woman and a tall man? Can't the taller partner, I dunno, bend a bit?

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Ar A&T intee ku dheheenee kaa tageen...LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


Walahi shalay markaa aqriyay, I was laughing so hard I didn't even bother posting anything...Ar yuu ahaa qofkaas? May be you have multiple personalities... icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


Pssssssssssssssst, come out, come out whoever you are?


One heck of a funny thread! Your best work to date... :D:D:D

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

It was in Qabridahar. This dark guy from Gode came to ask for the hand of his would be wife. Gabadh buu soo doonay. Anyone who knows Qabridahar will know that the people there are tall and light skinned.

Abtigiis, Sheekadaas xageed ka keentay reer qabridahar baa light skin ah kulahaa reer Godey Gacalana madow madow... Sxb I don't know where you get your facts from but wherever you get 'em please get 'em right. I have been to both those towns and I didn't see any difference. Reer Qabridaharka baa ilko dheedheeri ku arkay uun.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

"Labada meelood meel uun ku ekoow. Kolba meel ha faaruqin'e!"

Hilarious sxb! Adigu ma la talisay saaxiibkaa


Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:


Waa runtay, walaahi. Abdullahi Yusuf iyo Maxamed dheere waataan waayaa.

looool you funny wallaahi.

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