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Deeq A.

Veteran Somali singer dies

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Deeq A.   


Veteran Somali female singer Khadija Abdullahi. PHOTO | ABDULKADIR KHALIF | NATION

Veteran Somali female singer Khadija Abdullahi alias Dalays has died in Toronto, Canada.

“She has been ill for a while and died at a hospital in Toronto,” her relatives in Canada told the local media in Somalia.

The celebrated singer rose into fame in 1952 after she was admitted to sing for the then Italian-owned Radio Mogadishu at the age of 16.

“I had seen an advertisement in the Corriera della Somalia (then a daily newspaper) called for a female singer and I went forward,” Dalays narrated how she started her singing carrier at the time.

Dalays was born in Baidoa town, 240 southwest of Mogadishu, in 1936. In the 1970s, she joined Waaberi Group, the largest musical band in Somalia.

Muruqiina maalo, dhulka miro ku beero are someof her popular songs.

East African

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