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Average Crime Rate

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A study was conducted recently to determine the average crime

rate at international airports around the world. The study made use of an ordinary looking man standing in the airport terminal and reading a newspaper.


He had an empty briefcase next to him, which he would ignore.Observers then recorded how long it took for the briefcase to be snatched:


- In Brussels, Belgium the case was stolen within 4 minutes and

20 seconds.


- In Washington DC it was stolen within 3 minutes and 16 seconds.


- At Heathrow, London the briefcase was snatched in less than

2 minutes.


- In New York, the case was stolen within 1 minute and 5 seconds.


- In Los Angeles it took only 43 seconds before the case was



- In Nairobi the team conducting the study was robbed on the way to the airport and the briefcase stolen along with their car! :D:D

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