
Cali Xaaji oo dhaliilay C/weli Gaas kana digay muddo kororsi sharci-darro ah

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Cali Xaaji really reminds me of AbdiWeli before when Faroole was in power, It is hard to trust any Somali politician who speaks like God sent only when he is an opposition.





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If it was up to me I would cancel the next Puntland presidential election next year. It is pointless choosing between jobless politicians who all they do is stay in Nairobi hotels and call themselves presidential candidates. Abdiwali is doing a good job and needs another five years to complete projects at hand, and establish one man one  vote system through political parties . Changing presidents every five years destabilises government's strategic plans, slows economic developments and diverts much needed resources to electioneering.

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Samafal must be pulling a joke on us.  From all accounts, Abdiweli is doing a terrible job in Puntland. If people had a choice, they would get rid of him today.  

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Holac, I am not pulling a joke on you. I believe Abdiwali had shortcomings in the last four years, not least in his over reliance on PMP and PFS foreign funded and administered armies. But in terms of infrastructure development, water supply, rural government services and other basic services he has overdone most of his predecessors. I think he understands his priority, and the need for sustainable developments leads to economic independence and self reliance. 


Check this article by Horseed. I think it very objective and balanced:


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