Deeq A.

Somali President pays his first visit to Puntland

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Deeq A.   


GAROWE— Somalia’s President, Mohamed Abdilahi Mohamed Farmajo has arrived in Garowe, Puntland’s provincial capital on Sunday. Ministers, Members of Somali Parliament and other officials are with the president on his first visit to Puntland since his election. Once the plane carrying the president and his entourage arrived at Garowe airport, Puntland’s provincial President, Abdiwali Ali Gaas, deputy president, other officials, businessmen, religious leaders and other part of the community have greeted the president upon arrival at the airport. Thousands of soldiers were deployed to tighten security during the president’s visit to Puntland where he is about to inaugurate Garowe Airport after revamp. The President is due to hold talks with Puntland’s provincial president for security state level cooperation. Mr. Farmajo will stay in Garowe for five days.


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