Deeq A.

Egytian Media Insults Sudan and Sudan Responds Amid Erdogan Visit

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Egypt gets share of Sudan Nile's water for free. They are also occupied piece of sudan's land recognized by UN as Sudan's land. They can not ride Sudan for ever. They have much to lose angering Sudan.

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Egypt is run by a monster who turned the entire Egyptian media into frightened sycophant. No one dares to question the master and his policies. 

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Egyptians would sell anything at any price anytime anywhere they can, but they get dumbfounded when facing the Sudanese. They have now completed a circle around them, where only Israel and the pro-Israel media is on their side.

Turkey is annoyed by Egypt, Qatar sees them for the cowards they are, instead of being a reconciliator they took strongly one side for some billion dollar. If Egypt was not so short sighted could have got money from both Gulf sides.

Sudan will take its water next year. Expect Ethiopia to have joint/shared military base in Sudan at border of Egypt.

Egypt is being turfed out in chaotic Libya, by countries far far away. Too much selfishness and total disregard for Libyans.



Typical Tigray lol.

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