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Deeq A.

Somaliland Enters new Era

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Deeq A.   


Somaliland elected 5 Presidents since it seceded from Somalia. Every President

had its own up and down. President Mohamed Ahmed Siilanyo is the only one who has high

academic qualification. He held number of ministerial positions in Mohamed Siad Bare Government.

He was amongst the very few ministers who dare to say No when wrong orders were given.

It was one leap forward to construct a road connecting Erigabo to Burao, and then recap the

road joining Kalabaib to Dila which causes hectic journey. Their were rampant corruptions which

were kept under the rug. The roles of the Parliament were marginalized and there  were no

checks and balances.

The former President deferred to the present President legitimate complaint of two segments

of Somaliland population who think their shares of Government participation are not fair.

   The fanfare and excitements shown by people during the election were beyond imagination.  

People expect much from elected President. The apparent leadership characteristics shown by

the President are charismatic qualities that support justice and fights against corruption. The President

made pledges to develop economic sectors that needs improvement in vital areas. Somali people

are resilient to hardship and with genuine leadership they can surmount any hurdles.

I mention below those development areas that has to be prioritized:

  1. Minimizing Qaat import to three days only (Thursday to Saturday.) In doing so, the country

can save substantial amount of hard currency and reduce its consumption for health reasons.

  1. The young man who graduated from Colleges have no the work skills needed for jobs available

in the markets. More technical schools have to be built to train the students in technical fields such

as electricity, plumbing, carpentry and vehicle workshop work. I give credit to former Minister

of education, Mr. Abdilahi, who with farsightedness, established first technical school in Burao.

  1. In the field of agriculture the potentiality is  great for both food crops and exportable crops.

It is unacceptable to find no tomatoes and potatoes in the markets during the three days

when incident occurred in Aromo area. Let alone other places, these vegetables can be grown

as home gardening in each family home. This is a practice common in each African countries.

The reality that exists in agriculture, most of traditional farmers abandoned their lands in search

of better lives in the cities. There are no incentive mechanism that lured them to go back to their lands.

Credit availability, renting tractors with low prices, opening irrigation canals in fertile

valleys where water is available and supply of improved seeds can be incentives for the farmers.

Establishing Government autonomous Agency for tractors service with a reasonable price rent

can play effective role in agricultural development. The Agency will be self financing and can

buy tractors on loan bases.


With improved techniques, Togwajale plane can produce enough food crops that suffice the


needs of the country. There are groups of entrepreneurs who established vegetable production


Project under shades in green house with minimum water requirement. They deserve help.


The project that always in my mind is production of high quality oranges. The British brought


early 50s orange seedlings from Natal, South Africa, and planted in Geed Deeble, Arabsiyo, and


Amoud. The orchards planted 50 years ago are producing quality oranges. To grow large scale


oranges needs importation of improved grafted seedlings and distribution to the farmers


including farm inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. The oranges produces fruits in 5 to 6


years and can be competitive quality in Arabian markets.


  1. The inflation of Somaliland currency created havoc to the low income people. Except group

Islands ruled by U.S.A, Zimbabwe and Somaliland, no other countries uses dollars as national

currency. Those who amassed dollar currency should deposit it in the National Bank. The

Somaliland shilling should be given fixed value in relation with the dollars.

  1. The people should be oriented in Masjids and on radios paying taxes for the development

of the country is compulsory. Minimal amount of taxes should be imposed on Government

employees. Likewise, agencies dealing remittance, communication services, luxury hotels,

and merchandizes importers should pay taxes from their profits. The sense of national spirit

be aroused among the people that depending national resource is better than foreign aid.

  1. Construction of infrastructures started by previous Government have to be completed.


Feeder roads in mountainous areas where fertile valleys available be constructed. Road


are essential for movement of agricultural products and goods.


  1. The country is prone to clement weather that causes droughts. It is imperative to establish


Food Security Program to avert shortage at the onset of drought. Water wells are needed


in nomadic areas for people and animals. People who claim enclosures in grazing areas


should be given  annulment. Even the worst situations have some positive aspect. People


learn a lot from the last draught. People and animals should not be dislocated from their


environment. Those who were brought in Awdel despite the good gesture given by the

people, they suffered because of the cold season.


Preparedness is  what is needed to mitigate the danger of the draught.


Mohamed Bahal


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