
Somaliland's minister of defence - a former Unionists - arrives in country

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Galbeedi wrote this few days ago



The Sanaag Bari Suldaan who was paid well but failed to deliver his community has brought his nephew from Australia and Muuse appointed him defence minister.  We are all well aware that the kid will be pushing papers in Hargeisa, and the chief of the army, a warlord who is related to Muuse Biixi,  will be holding all  the power. 


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He is young and educated, I know his family and his older bro Faisal Hawar, who used to do some charity work in Bari, Sanaag..and heavily involved   Maakhir University as well as Garowe Airport, good luck to him.


Also, his uncle Oday used to be a minister in SL during Egal and Riyaale.



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