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Deeq A.

Somaliland: Legislator Urges President Musa Behi to Investigate Awdal Region Drought Fund Expenditure

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Deeq A.   


Now that campaigning and elections are over it is incumbent for the administration of president Muse Behi to start focusing on national issues.

This was opinionated by Member of the Somaliland parliament Abubakar Abdirahman Good during an interview with Geeska Afrika in Hargeisa where he also raised issue with the disbursement of drought relief funds collected from various sources more so among local populations.
The legislator who represents Awdal Region in the August house upon Revealing that a recent inspection visit to the region undertaken together with his colleagues concluded that the status pertaining to drought affected people is yet to be alleviated.

“Despite large sums of money and other material goods donated towards drought relief, am sorry to say that nothing has changed for the intended beneficiaries in Awdal Region” said MP Abubakar stressing on the fact that electioneering is over and regardless of whoever voted for him, President Behi has the onerous task of governing the nation equally, the legislator without mincing words asked the newly crowned head of state to urgently instigate investigations with the objective of ascertaining the whereabouts of drought relief donations.

While pledging full support to the incoming administration now that official handover of power has been succesfully and peacefully effected, the vocal politician said that for things to be set straight thence all feel part and parcel of Somaliland ills committed and perpetrators against citizens all over the country must be brought to the fore as well as prosecuted.

On the onerous work of the just formed council of ministers in the president Behi cabinet, the Awdal politician went on to say that the myriad of constraints afflicting the country courtesy of poor past polices and strategies must be set straight

Among the issues touched by MP Abubakar Abdirahman Good that require expedited action by the president Behi administration included inflation, unemployment, corruption, in addition to most important tribalism.

Addressing Somaliland citizens the legislator urged patience as the new administration implements its governing strategies and polices though ultimately demanding that priority be placed towards drought alleviation as well as elimination of corruption and nepotism in government and all over the country.


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