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Advice for all the fellas who want to chat up a girl but don't know how to apporach..

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Advice for all the fellas who want to chat up a girl but don't know how to apporach in the first place and ask for her number.


Wiil dhallinyaro ah baa gabar magaalada maraysa oo quruxda,lebiska iyo xaragada ka dheceysa la yaabay markaas ayuu damcay inuu bal shukaansado oo weliba si la yaab leh ugu lug darsado.... intuu salaamay ayuu yiri "walaaleey raalli iga ahaw ee qalin aan gabar taleefonkeed ku qorto makaa amaahan karaa?" Boorso yar oo ay gacanta ku wadatay ayeey furtay oo qalin ka soo saartay kuna tiri wiilkii "Haa, oo waa kan". Intuu buug yar la soo baxay oo xaggeeda u soo dhawaadey ayuu ku yiri "ii sheeg hadde lambarka telefonkaaga" Illeen awalba keeduu u dan lahaa oo gabar kale ma jirine

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