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Deeq A.

Heavy campaign in Buuhoodle for the selection of members of Puntland parliament 

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Deeq A.   

Image result for buuhoodle puntland odayaasha


Ololaha xulista xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa siweyn looga dareemayaa Buuhoodle. Durba waxaa bilowday hardanka ay xubnaha kuraasta u ordayaa ku kala hororsanayaan odayaasha dhaqanka gaar ahaan cuqaasha oo leh soo magacaabista koowaad kadibna Isimku saxeexo.

Kuraasta qaar ayaa aad loogu tartamayaa iyadoo qaarkood ay isku haystaan ilaa 10 musharax oo cusub iyo kuwii hore u fadhiyey. Xumadda doorashada iyo kala boobka kuraasta ayaa imaanaya xili mudo sanad ah wakhtigooda uga hadhsan tahay xildhibaanada hadda fadhiya. Buuhoodle oo 7 xildhibaan ka galaan Baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa xubnaha ku guulaysta waxaa la arkaa marka doorashadu soo dhowaato oo ay rabaan in dib loogu cusboonaysiiyo xilalkooda. Hadaba waxaa is waydiin mudan odayaasha arintani ka go’daa ma keeni doonaan isbedel mise xaalku waa jugjug meeshaada joog.

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this garbage is written by puntland hater niyoow. puntland MPs visit their land all the time and go on working trips every few months. they are selected by respected Garads and if they were not good, the garads would not select them. the Garads are the traditional leaders of the land and their judgement is respected by the people. let us stop the fake news niyoow.


this is the system we have now niyoow and it is working fine until we come up with something else. 

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