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The Voice

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A guy gets home from work one night and hears a voice in his head, which tells him, "Quit your job, sell your house, take your money, got to Vegas."


The man is disturbed at what he hears and ignores the voice.


But the next day, the same thing happens: The voice tells him, "Quit your job, sell your house, take your money, go to Vegas."

Again the man ignores the voice, but he's becoming increasingly upset, and the third dtime he hears the voice, he succumbs to the pressure.


He quits him job, sells his house, takes his money, and heads to Las Vegas.


The moment the man gets off the plane in Vegas, the voice tells him, "Go to Harrah's."


He hops in a caba nd rushes over to the csino, where the voice tells him, "Go to the roulette table."


The man does as he is told.

When he gets to the roulette table, the voice tells him, "Put all your money on 17."


Nervously, the man cashes in all his money for chips and then puts them on 17.

"Now watch," says the voice


The dealer wishes the man good luck and spins the roulette wheel.


Around and around the ball caroms. The man anxiously watches the ball as it slowly loses speed until finally it settles into number...21.


The Voice says, "F%CK"

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