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Deeq A.

Somaliland: President-Elect promises lean Cabinet

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Deeq A.   


HARGEISA-— The President-Elect, Hon. Musa Bihi Abdi has promised to appoint a lean cabinet. The new president who is about to assume office within a matter of two weeks said that he is working  towards putting together a functional government that will push the country to progress. Hon. Musa Bihi, President-Elect has declared that having made certain considerations when it comes to the third world countries that his government will emulate and will appoint 15 ministries. The plan will entail the merging of some line ministries in order to remove functional duplications as well as contain unnecessary expenditures, so as to enhance productivity and efficient delivery of service.

The President-Elect, Hon. Musa has declare that he will include three commissioners in his government.

He further stated that the higher education commission will be appointed which will lessen the burden from the education ministry as the higher institutions in the country are growing by leaps and bounds which will be beyond the control of the education ministry.

As Somaliland is part of the under developing countries that there must be a combat of corruption in government institutions which many of the current government are criticized. As president-Elect, Hon. Musa has said that he will appoint the anti-corruption agency. This seems that the president-elect has a zero policy towards fighting corruption.

The president-elect has further announced that he will see the inclusion of media and telecommunications agency which will regulate granting media licenses to print and broadcasting industries in the country. The agency will also monitor media houses that violate the regulations and licenses will be revoked.

The President-Elect, Hon. Musa Bihi said that he will merge the ministries so as to save cost.

The ministries will be as written below:-

  1. Ministry of finance and merges with planning.
  2. Ministry of agriculture merges with ministry of marine resources.
  3. Ministry of livestock merges with ministry of environment d rural development.
  4. Ministry of information will combine with the ministry of telecommunication and posts.
  5. Ministry of lobar and social affairs
  6. Ministry of youth and sports.

President-Elect said the above remarks in an interview and further announced that the mission is to keep the promises made during presidential campaigning where the party gained a lot of votes.


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