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Deeq A.

Somaliland: Congratulation to President Muse Bihi and vice President Abdirahman Abdilahi

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Deeq A.   


On behalf of the Somaliland Community at Southern California (San Diego,

Los Angeles and beyond) we would like to extend our sincerest congratulations
on your impressive victory in election to the President and vice president of
Somaliland for next five years. We are delighted that you will continue to work
for the good of the people of our country. We sincerely congratulate you
and send our best wishes for every success and wisdom in discharging the
important and responsible duties of your positions. We are confident that the
trust placed in you by the citizens of Somaliland will inspire you to continue
important efforts in promoting the unity of our country, leading it on the path
of prosperity, further well-being and security for our people. We believe both
of you will exercise outstanding leadership and achieve great success, leading
your distinguished team on each field including foreign policy, national
security, education, economy, environment, in overcoming the serious economic
situations and other difficult challenges.

We are very pleased that Somaliland and international communities are becoming increasingly close partners. We firmly believe that our country will continue to develop dynamic, mutually beneficial relations, and that our joint initiatives in the fields of security, economy, environment and education will strengthen all nations.

We strongly hope that working together decisively and in the spirit of solidarity and unity in Somaliland. We will defend the interests and common values of our neighbor countries and rest of the world. Somaliland’s people trust you, because they gave you their votes and they are looking to you and they have huge expectation. We believe you have lot of tasks ahead of you, if you are working hard and with honesty, Allah will help you, because you are going in the right direction. As we know, statistically 88% of our people are under the poverty line, therefore, we need to help them in order to reduce poverty in Somaliland people.
Overall, we are giving a congratulations
to Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi “Irro” and his team, because they took a very
strong decision. Mr. Abdirahman’s speech was history for us, he quoted great
words from our patrician former president Mr. Dahir Riyale. We believe all of
you are winners, because you only look at national interest. Therefore, take
your part to build our nation from corner to corner.
Thank you all,
Ali A. Hori, M.Ed,
San Diego, CA.

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