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Deeq A.

Distinguish Somaliland from Somalia UK Legislators tell Government

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Deeq A.   


The Government are pleased with the work we have done to support the Government in Somaliland to ensure that the elections could take place freely, Fairly and in a transparent manner

This was stated by the British Prime Minister Theresa May during a session of parliament in London where legislators Stephen Doughty of Labour and Zac Goldsmith of the conservative had brought attention of the just concluded presidential elections in Somaliland, a former British protectorate.

Below are the questions raised by the MPs and answers given by the government.

Stephen Doughty Labour/Co-operative, Cardiff South and Penarth

On a point of order, Madam Deputy Speaker. You may be aware that very important elections have taken place in Somaliland in recent days, towards which the UK has provided important support. But it has come to my attention that the Prime Minister, when answering a question in Prime Minister’s questions earlier, interchangeably used the words Somaliland and Somalia. Obviously, they are not one and the same, and I wondered how I might be able to encourage thePrime Minister just to be clear on the matter. It is of great

concern toSomalilanders, and we should be celebrating the election.


Eleanor Laing First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means

I appreciate that the hon. Gentleman wishes to bring this matter to the attention of the House. It is not a point of order for the Chair, but I am quite sure that Members on the Treasury Bench have heard him.

Zac Goldsmith Conservative, Richmond Park

With recent events in Zimbabwe and total electoral chaos in Kenya, will the Prime Minister join me in celebrating the hugely successful elections this week in Somaliland? With direct help from this country and our Government, the National Election Commission in that country has conducted a template election described by the international observer mission as peaceful, transparent, fair and totally uncontested. What is more, the winning candidate has announced that one of his first acts will be to legislate against female genital mutilation, as a direct consequence of work by a British

campaigner, Nimco Ali, who deserves the House’s respect.


Theresa May The Prime Minister, Leader of the Conservative Party

My hon. Friend raises an important issue. The Government are pleased with the work we have done to support the

Government inSomaliland to ensure that the elections could take place in the way he described, and we continue to provide support. I was pleased earlier this year to chair the Somalia conference here, and I am pleased to hear of the intention to deal with female genital mutilation, which is an important issue that has been raised by Members across the House. We want it dealt with not just in Somalia but here in the UK.

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