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Deeq A.

Somaliland: Information ministry lifts ban on Kalsan TV channel

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Deeq A.   


By: Ms. Farrah Yusuf

The government on Monday lifted the two week-long ban on Kalsan TV news channel in Somaliland.

The Information ministry had banned the channel on November  4 for telecasting an allegedly “fake” news on the presidential election campaign. The TV channel aired false news which falsely claimed that Lasanod residents staged a demo against the governing party presidential candidate, Hon. Musa Bihi who was on the campaign trail on November the 4. In an official statement, the ministry said that the channel had made an apology over the broadcast of the fake news. The government closure of Kalsan TV was made after it accused of posing threat to national security. Human rights and Media associations have done all they can to convince the information minister to lift the temporary ban on Kalsan TV.

Somaliland government  had come under severe flak for its shut down of the TV channel.


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