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Warrior of Light

Top Historican Inaccuracies in the Passion Of Christ

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** Jesus feeds thousands of people on one loaf of bread. . . mainly

because most of them are on the Atkins Diet and can't partake.



** There's a touching scene where He tells a football player to pray to

Him and the player will get a touchdown.



** The scene where Jesus refuses to address the crowd until he gets his

usual Venti caramel macchiato from Starbucks.



** On the back of the cross Christ is carrying are the words "Rent

'Lethal Weapon' and 'Braveheart'".



** Jesus is shown working as carpenter. . . on the reality show,

"Trading Mangers".



** His hair is actually a mullet.



** The scene where Jesus is seen working out on a Bowflex machine.



** He is married to Mary Magdalene. . . and in one scene they have a

huge fight over him not taking out the garbage.



** If you look closely at the manger where He was born, you'll actually

see that it's just a really bad Days Inn.



** He and His disciples are turned away from restaurants. . . mainly

because they're not wearing shirts and shoes.



** Mary Magdalene causes an uproar with her brief wardrobe malfunction.



** Pat Robertson argues with Jesus about who God talks to the most.



** The wedding scene where Jesus changes water into Zima.

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