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Why this World Cup is good for Bob, Tuujiye and Norf

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I have to concede I respect ZonalMarking. They are experts. From what little I saw, they not only analyse games after it all happens and gives TOMMY SMMTH 'I told you' kind of analysis, but they forcast how teams are likely to play each other with accuracy. Waa macalimiin.


School'kaa Tuujiye iyo Norf iyo macal Nuune'han bilashka Moderator'ka u ah ha lagu daro! :D Bob isagu iskuul uma baahna ee waa in jinkan Angola ka soo raacay ee ciyaartooyga madoow baalasha ugu yeela laga cuudiyo!

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A&T, war horta sheekada hanoo danbeesee, bal ma roontahay oo xabiskii aad labada habeen ku barisay maka soo baxday? nin yahoo warka la sheegayo ma runbaa? waxaan maqalnay in lugugu qabtay suuqa dhexdiisa adigoo TV Plasma ah la cararaaya..Mar kii lagu yirina war maxaad u wadataa baa tiri "bekoos is a koolaar"....


Brazil waxba iskuma heyso duqa oo anaga dhan ayaa aragnay ciyaartooda... They gonna have to play defence against Ivory Coast and Portigue...


North Korea is a good team defensively and I hope the African's get away from them lool...



Nuune adiga horta Liverpool markaad calankooda iska dhigtid ayaad hadal kuleedahay meeshaan...Ngonge, Luces maxaa ku dhacay lool.Ngonge wuxuu aaminsan yahay Brazil in eesan meel gaareynin Luces la'aantiisa..



Wareer Badaan!!!

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loooooooooool@Brazil will play defensively against Ivory coast. Obviously you didn't hear what Kalou said last night (we have to defend against Brazil like North Korea). :D:D


Waryaa Tuujiye, Dunga's team is already a defensive team which relies on counter-attack. it is shame teams are not attacking them because that is when the do the demolition job best. But expect Ivory coast to mass their goal rely on counter-attack. Which makes the game more interesting. But no doubt about the result. Brazil will win.


lool Maradona wuu waalan yahay. When ajournalist asked him how he feels when he kisses his players, 'EL loco'(tje crazy one) said, "Well I still prefer women. I am dating Veronica who is blond and 31-years-old." :D:D nin rag ah dheh! Maradona waa genius, people think he is crazy, laakin he is not.

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Originally posted by Tuujiye:

A&T, war horta sheekada hanoo danbeesee, bal ma roontahay oo xabiskii aad labada habeen ku barisay maka soo baxday? nin yahoo warka la sheegayo ma runbaa? waxaan maqalnay in lugugu qabtay suuqa dhexdiisa adigoo TV Plasma ah la cararaaya..Mar kii lagu yirina war maxaad u wadataa baa tiri "bekoos is a koolaar"....



Is that what happened last week A&T? I wondered where you got to for the first few days of the WC.

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^^ TV buu ninka soo raadsanayey Norf...


A&T Brazil will loose sxb I could bet on that kalou siyaasad bee ka tahay...When you see Ivory coast with 3 strikers, it means attack sxb..Baro bahasha yaaqee....


The only strong teams that I see in this world cup are Argentina, Ivory Coast so far and iinsha allah the Africans will make us all proud again...


I told you before that Serbia will do something shocking lool you didn't believe me right? just any dhoore oo aan kubada waxba ka aqoon, you still think Brazil is the best team in the world lool.. Serbia could come out of that group now and so can Ghana....


If Ghana wins the next game and Serbia beats Australia, Germany is out loooooool You Gotta Love Football!!!!!!



Maradona is the best Coach in the world Cup love the guy man! what a leader he is for his team...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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