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Top ten reasons George W. Bush should be impeached

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salam caleykum?


1) Compassionativity is not a word.

2) Social Security IS a federal program.

3) Benjamin Franklin did NOT invent the light bulb.

4) Trout are not extinct.

5) Brazil DOES have blacks.

6) Speaking is an important part of being president.

7) Our children is learning enough.

8) Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on me.

9)Two words... Big Oil.

10) Sanity is an inalieble right.

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LOLz, gotta love the fool!!! Did you guys see the speech when he said " PAKIS"- does he realize its a racial term, not appreciated by others, I THINK NOT!!! can we say llllllloooooooosseeeeerr :D

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