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Deeq A.

Ex Somaliland deputy presidents urge calm ahead of presidential poll

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Deeq A.   


Former Somaliland vice presidents on Monday apprised the presidential candidates and their supporters to keep calm during their presidential campaigns in a press conference held in Hargaisa.

In a joint statement issued by the ex presidents they aurged all the candidates to sue for peace and ensure campaign rallies transpire within the legal framework.
“We callon all political actors as well as the public to have a room for peaceful rallies which can culminate into free and fair elections and refrain any act of violence that can plunge the region into chaos,” said the for deputies.
The former deputy presidents also warned any political violances that could hamper in the process, calling the concerning authorities to preserve calm and peace in the country during the campaign and the elections after.”

The ex-leaders are Ahmed Yussuf Yasin (During the government of Riyaale Kaahin), Abdirahman As Ali Farax ( during the reign of President, Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Igal) and Hassan Ise Jama’a who was the deputy president in the government of president Abdirahman Ahmed Ali which was formed in 1990.
Their sentiment came days after angered protestors stormed on Abdurrahman Irro’s residential house, leading to critical injuries on his security guards.
Somaliland will hold its presidential elections on 13th November this year following several poll postponements.
With over 870, 000 voters, the elections will take place 23 districts across the region. Somaliland has declared unilateral independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991.
Despite restoring stability and governance, it’s efforts for an international recognition has not so far accomplished.


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