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Abtigiis Hosts Brazil

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Thats Elvis... Cunugaas caadi ma aha..walaahi wuu fakaday kawaran lool...



I think A&T oo turunbo afuufaayo in aan qaamo weynaa!!!


War Brazil meel ma gaareyso sanadkaan 4real... this is an Average Brazil runtii..



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Lucky guy. Imagine if he got caught. That would've been his career over lol :D Those Zimbabweans were very rough though.


True say. They were very average.


Was A&T kii madoobaa oo buurnaa oo sanka weynaa oo bahasha afuufaaye? :D:D

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A&T I did not see you...Sorry. :D



Wooow Brazil defeated the Mighty Warriors of Zimbabwe I'm sure the remaining 31 teams are wetting their pants!



To be prefectly honest I did not see Brazil, I saw a european team with Brazilian jersey from tactics to the level of skill and Brazil were puffing and huffing until they went 2-0 up and by that time Zimbabwe had and missed few decent chances!



The 3rd goal was the pick of the punch as it had all the trade marks that we came to expect from 'Brazil'.



Next up for Brazil is Tanzania... :D



A&T I was in that staidum in 96...yeah that is right 96 :D when Zimbabwe hosted All Africa games...I went to watch the final between Zimbabwe V Egypt...maybe you were sitting the same seat that I sat 14 years ago. :D



PS. Brazil waa QASHIN without these men.






Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ Dinho is the best footballer today and he is not in the world cup.... The only reason why I want to watch this world cup, is because of Africa!...


is shocking how they cut him...


I watched him play against Montreal in MLS the other day... over 30,000 people came out to support him and I couldn't believe the amount of people that cried when he started to speak in French and talked about the world cup.... it was very sad to see him smile and dance....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Nothing to report about the game, I am sure you watched it on TV and with commentary. Cuople of things though:


1- The zimbabwean's sitting next to me were saying 'this brazil team beat Messi and co 3-1, so if we can lose by 3-0, then it means we are closer to Argentina.'


2- I managed to breifly talk to Dunga, and I was amazed that he knows what people are saying about him and Ronaldinho. In fluent Somali, he told me " waan la socdaa Tuujiye iyo Bob waxay meelahaa ka aqrinayaan. I know how to shut their mouths with breath-taking counter-attacks against Spain, Holland and England." :D:D


3- Mid Zimbabwean ah oo rinji yellow ah ismariyey who looked weird ayaan sawiray, markaas anigoo is leh wuu xanaaqi, yuu ii yimid and then he said, " Did you get my back as well? Kaka ayuu ku qoray jidhkiisa at the back and he wanted to show me that.


3- If you have seen nin dheer, oo timo dheer leh oo waxoogaa yar Iranian aad moodo oo caruur ag fadhido, you have seen me. :D:D Waa maxay ninkan madoow ee uu Bob igu tilmaamayo? :D:D


4- Felipe Melo, Kaka, and Fabiano were poor and a major concern, but the team looked confident and tactically very disciplined. Gilberto Silva actually played very well.

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:D:D:D @Iranian!



I was expecting to see a streaker on the pitch with a huge flag written on 'Hi Guys This Is A&T Reporting Live from Zimbabwe' Walle inaad raggeedii tahay...halkaa ka wad hoosha! :D



Tuujiye...did you know Ronaldinho once humiliated Dunga while still at Gremio sometime in 99 in a Brazilian Serie A match and I know of a Brazilian who believes that Dunga still hasn't forgotten that incident. :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Bob'ster, here is Ronaldinho destroying Dunga.



But I think he was in Dunga's squad for long three years when he was off form. It is really long shot to ascribe his omission to this. Conspiracy theory at best!

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^^ Saaxiib Ronaldinho waa top form man... I watched him play.. The guy is in shape laakiin waxa lagu jaray waa politics runtii ama ka dhexeeye asaga iyo Dunga...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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