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Faysal Ali Warabe: Lets share with the rest of Somalia before we kill each other

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"Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa Waraysiga Idaacadda Bbbc-DA kaga hadlay shirkii madaxdhaqmeedka labada beelood iyo dhawaaqii labada suldaan ee Guud ee Habarjeclo Suldaan Cabdillaahi iyo Suldaan Xasan, isagoo arrimahaa ka hadlaayana wuxuu yidhi, “Waxaan ka xumahay shirka Burco wuxuu ahaa shir ay dawladu dabada ka waday oo qabaa’il ku salaysan. Taasina waxay keenaysaa in dadku nacaan inay sii socoto Somaliland. Mucaaridku wuu la dagaalamayey, laakiin waxa quwada siiyey dawladda shirk u qabatay Burco. Somaliland ka suurta galimayso in laba reer ku heshiiyaan, oo siddii hagbada isu-dhidhiibaan, oo yidhaahdaan maantana waa idinka…maantana waa idinka oo suurta galimayso.haddii ay taas noqoto waxay noqonaysaa innaynu iska duduubno Somaliland ayey noqonaysaa, Intaynu isku dililaheyn, waa innaynu iska duduubnaa oo soomaali wax la qaybsanaa. Guddi komishan qaban karaan, haddii dawladdii dalka masuulka ka aheyd, iyadii ay gacanteedii xumaanta ku wado oo qabaa’ilkii ay dhiiri galinayso, intay faraha ka qaaday socodkii dawladnimada ayey shirar ku qabanaysaa magaalada Burco.”


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Faysal was the most hardcore secessionist and even he knows

Somaliland is a joke project that can crumble anytime.

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Faysal was the most hardcore secessionist and even he knows

Somaliland is a joke project that can crumble anytime.


That is some crazy new development.

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That is some crazy new development.



Not really it was expected. Somaliland will never be recognized

it is better for everyone to go their own way. The only option is


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This is election season. There will be a lot of things said during the silly season.


But when a winner is anounced after the peaceful election takes place. No one will remember what was said good or bad. Everyone will move on and busy with their day to day issues.

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Difference is it is highly unlikely people will accept another 7

years of Kulmiye nonsense. Qabil qaran ma noqdo. So this

make-believe project will once and for all be dismantled.

Hagbadland can go where the sun doesn't shine. :D

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Difference is it is highly unlikely people will accept another 7

years of Kulmiye nonsense. Qabil qaran ma noqdo. So this

make-believe project will once and for all be dismantled.

Hagbadland can go where the sun doesn't shine.


Morally it is wrong to campaign on clan ticket... but there is nothing illegal about it.


At the end of the day, if the ballot box confirms the winner, that is the winner. Regardless if people vote on clan lines or if people vote on idea/policy. The people voted. Period.


Nothing will change on the big picture regarding Somaliland.



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I don't know what big picture you are talking about. Somaliland

has lost meaning.


1. Somaliland will never be recognized


2. Somaliland became hagbadland


3. Everyone will go their own way and form their own federal states.



That is the end.

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I don't know what big picture you are talking about. Somaliland

has lost meaning.


1. Somaliland will never be recognized


2. Somaliland became hagbadland


3. Everyone will go their own way and form their own federal states.



That is the end.


You are so simplistic.


Why are you so worked up then if that was the case. If I was feeling that, I wouldn't be sweating about Somaliland every day.


For the record, if recognition would help anyone it would have helped Villa Somalia which is under UN/AMISOM trusteeship. Or South Sudan.


Recogntion is not everything. And lack of it, is not end of the world. Somaliland is proof.



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