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Curse of Federalism

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No. Saaxiib the curse was the military dictatorship followed by civil war. The is no war in Somalia and regional leaders are meeting in Kismayo peacefully which just few years ago was a battle ground of various militias. May be you are not happy with the progress Somalia has made since then, but the people of Somalia are enjoying the fruits of peace and will be happier once shaabab followers realize that peace is precious and war is hell.


For the keyboard warriors enjoy your latte and the dark chocolate brownie cake. The task of rebuilding Somali unity and bring back statehood of Somalia is not not easy and requires patience unlike qurbo joogto who think that Rome can be build in one day.

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Meesha wax la taaban karo kamasoo bixin,

sidii dhaqanka soomaalidu ahaa shantoodu hal mar bay wada hadlayeen, ayagoo qoslayana way kala tageen,war aysan isku ogayn iskuna waafaqin bay hadhow idaacadaha ka dhagaysan.


Aad baan uga xumahay in af hayeenkooda dr.c/wali arki waayay in federaal-qabiilaysigu dun-siibmayo,"dab" iyo "kayn" darawalkoodu waa dabayl.


Shayga kaliya oo isku hayn kara ama lagu badbaadin karana yahay in la helo sharci u dhexeeya dawladda dhexe iyo goboladda.


Taas badelkeeda waxay ku baaqeen in dib loo dhigo dastuurka oo fowdo iyo is af garan waa lagu wakhti dhamaysto.


Tan kale oo la yaabka noqotay waxa weeye, waxay ku baaqeen in masiirka dalka iyo dadka ay wax ku yeeshaan, waana shay sax ah, balse waxay xaqireen mas'uuliyiintii u matalayay golaha sare iyo kan shacabka ayagoo u hadlaya sidii dawlado jaar la ah federaalka dhexe halkaasna waxaa ka muuqda takhaluf iyo jahli aad u xoog badan.


labada gole oo lagasoo doortay maamuladooda ma mushaarkii howl-gabkay u yimaadeen muqdisho?


Si kastaba waa loo baahnaa in shacabku ogaado miisaanka dadka hor boodaya leeyihiin markii laysku qabto arimo aad u sahlan oo aniga iyo xadiyaba ku filanahay.




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They should have just released a press release. By the way the picture of the conference seems that they are aware of the power of the president.


I believe that the tone of president Farmaajo was good. Offer them olive branch and in due course make them irrelevant.


Other than Puntland, most of these regional governments were established during the war . Most of them including Puntland were possible due to the guarantee given by the neighboring countries. If fact, they could only exist during the transition from conflict to nation state.


They were born out of the war. Most of their money comes from foreign donors and NGO's . They are the profiteers of the war on terror. Every year or even months they receive direct and indirect military aid and other resources due to their war against Al-shabaab. Even Somaliland receives around $15-20 million a year for their anti terror brigade called RRU. There is nothing going on i Kismaayo other than creating the forces that suppose to fight Al-shabaab. Every single building in that town was built other than Somalis. Go figure.


The warlords could not exist if peace prevails in Somalia, so does the greedy businessmen and their telecom community. Let me give you an example: When Shariif Hassan of the South West needs some money for his political moves he has to call Addis Abbeba. In return , the Ethiopians will talk to the foreign donors and other NGO's in Nairobi and request that their friend Shariif Hassan needs cash and some projects to sideline his enemies and survive. If some one in Baydhabo makes trouble or challenge him militarily, the Ethiopians will cross and deal the offending part. Folks, these regions and Ethiopia need one another. Without their foreign protectors and donors , they would not survive, heck they can not afford the flight to Kismaayo. Do you know who provides these daily flights from Garoowe to Nairobi and Kismaayo?. geuss .


If peace prevails in Somalia, this fat cats like C/weli will not be flying to Nairobi or Addis , but will be concentrating building hospitals and schools. Also, the people might vote and throw them out all of them. MY, friends, these regions were the idea of our enemies and rivals. Why would a British foreign minister would fly to Mogadishu and invite them one by one to come to LOndon. By the way, not one single dollar has reached Somalia. Most of the money went to Amiso and regional states. It is part of the fragmentation of the Somali nation.


None of today's regional leaders could survive a day if peace comes to Somalia. THey would have to collected their own taxes on the hard way and build their communities rather than living like a king with subjects. If I were Farmaajo, I would not bother them , but would double my efforts to build federal capacity.


If he flows the NGO mentality of " Mashruucan ayaa la inoo dhisayaa" expecting others to clean your own house, he is mistaken. "Meeshan shaqo aan joogsanayn oo lix iyo toban saacadood la shaqeynayo iyo isku tashi ayaa looga baxayaa" Every minister meets his NGO or world bank counterpart and he proclaims , " Aduunyada ayaa Soomaalia U diyaara".


Did you guys heard about Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan?. He basically said that his people and Afghans told him that American Helicopters give weapons to Al-qaeda terrorists in the Mountains of Afghanistan. He said that since 1991, extremism and terrorism grew ten fold.


My friends these cantons set up by Ethiopia and Kenya will be eliminated in due course. Yees I know it;s tribal pride, but we have replace with Somali pride.

















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An orientalist by the name Bernard Lewis, some twenty years or so suggested that fragmentation of the middle east. as the best way to defeat ARab nationalism which includes also Somalia. The idea was to turn the history back and make these Arab to go back to their original tribal roots before Islam or the modern nation states.


Despite it's weaknesses, the Somali nation was a modern functioning nation from 1965-1985. . Just like the Arabs, tribal supremacy and anarchy became the tools to destroy our nation. I was Talking with a friend from Burco city who was a Somali civil servant for 30 years, and then abandoned for the tribal cause. I ask him that how come governing and institution building became so elusive for many people including Somalis?.


He said , " when I was young , I was a member of "Shacbul Arabia" who believed Arab identity and Nationalism. The modern functioning Arab states with institutions were Egypt, Tunisia , Iraq and Syria. The rest were just tribes or oil rich tribes who were riding the petrodollar. One the oil runs out these fact Sheikhs will probably ride gain their camels.


"Those four modern Arab states are either destroyed or barely surviving. To fragments them, they used religious sectarian violence".


" Wax in la dumiyo, Ilaahay ayaa nacdalay, Bahasha dawladnimada dadkii dumiyey ayaanu ahayn, dibna waan u gaadhi la'anahay. Koonfurta inta aan ku dhaano waxa weeye inagu Qabaa'il baynu nahay oo waxa wax lagu wadaa waa waxii Ingriisku ka tagay oo Qabiiil lagu daray. Hase ahaatee , marka Puntland laga reebo koonfurtu waligeed Qabiil ma ahayn. Tii casriga ee dawladnimada ahaydna ma hayaan, dhaqankii Qabiilka ee la odhanayey, Xilahay furan ee qawlka qabiilku sareeyeyna way ka tageen.


He said that when Siyaad Barre took over in 1969, he did not have to build any institutions. " Kursi diyaara ayuunbu ku fadhiisyay, ciidankii waa joogay, poliskii waa joogay shaqaalihiina waa joogay. He took a system that was built, by Italians, The British and Somalis for forty years from nineteen forties.


Politicking and maneuvering could not bring back Somalia. Hard work, and vision is needed. If you spend your days dealing what Kismaayo want or what Hiiraan said, plus the constant " Xadhigjiid" of the parliament , you could not travel far. AS they say, real leaders understand that " dogs may bark , but the caravan should travel and reach it's destination.


Waxa aan ka yeeli doono goboladan wakhtigeeda marka la gaadho ayaan ka soo sheegi doonaa.

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Marka ugu horaysa dadka siyaasiyiintu waa inay helaan wariye ruug caddaa ah oo abaara meesha dhibku ka jiro.


Waa inay waajib dastuuriyana noqotaa in saxaafadda ay maalin siiyaan ama bishiiba mar soona hor istaagaan ayagoo soo shanlaystay?


federaalka ninka ugu buuran waa c/wali gaas,waa asaaskii khilaafkan hadda jira


haddii la waydiiyo muxuu yahay farqiga u dhaxeeya dhexdhexaad iyo qayb raac khilaafka khiliijka?


maxaase ku imaan maslaxadiina gaarkaa oo idinkala dhexeeya imaaraadka haddaad la qaadataan dhexdhexaadnimada federalka dhexe?


imaaraadku ma asagaa idinka codsaday inaad taageertaan? mise adinkaa ku sharfay maadaama uu gacanta wax ka gaysto?


maxaa keenay in c/wali oo diiday in mudug mideeyo, xuduudkeeduna ka bilawdo burtinle uu fedaraal gobol iyo "bar" ah badbaadiyo?


Maxaa keenay xaaf asagoo og maahmaahdii ahayd 20 jir mudug ku dhashay ilaahay uma xil qarin inuu macanggag noqdo aan gacmihiisa hoos u dhaqan karin?


Ama asagoo isbaaradii taalay baraxley ilaa galinsoor waxba ka qaban uu imaaraadka maslaxad iyo arimo dibadeed kala xaajoodo?


Maxaa keenay in madoobe dhinacna sheekh ka noqdo dhinacna munaafaq cid kale u hadasho?


su'aalahaas wariyaashu way ka gaabiyeen wax xanaf ahna ma leh


Haddii imaaraadku ka codsaday inay taageeraan ma waxay garan waayeen inuu qaranimada soomaaliyoo dhaawacayo ama si kale haddii loo dhigo, madaxa haddii la gooyo luguhu ma socdaan ee way raftaan.


Hadday ku sharfeen taageerada ma waxay garan waayeen inaan qofna lagu taageerin wuxuusan xukunkeeda iyo xaqqiiqdeeda garanayn iyo siday u kala gar leeyihiin.



Qof ku dhaqaalayn jiray hadduu qof kale soo dhaawaco ma taageeruu mudanyahay adoo xaqa ku badalanaya maal ama lacag?


Dawladaan waxaa u qabsoomay khilaaf siyaasadeed, ayagoo ku jira dagaal dhan walbaa waana arin aad muhiim u ah inaan mar kale taariikh cusub markhaati ka noqono oo u dhaw tii hogaamiye kooxoodyadii.




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